Thursday, June 24, 2010

>>> Eleven in the morning...

... and there's no one to talk to.

It's been a while since I composed anything, poem, haiku or otherwise...

Blogged out feelings and shot up heart-strings,
sick to the core and turning inwards some more,
tell me what do you do when your life lets you go?

Walking old lanes of memory with a body shimmery,
taking a trip down in time for no reason or rhyme,
to lose thy mind to much pain and sadness yet again?

One woman was all one needed and yet standing unheeded,
Left in dust, without trust and doomed to ever rust,
the heart's been wrung and the end the bell has rung.

Nevermore to live and love,
on sweet wings of a dove.
'Tis enough, it is done.

If not Her, then no other.

... and that's some declaration of intent.

Or is it?

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