Monday, July 19, 2010

>>> The last of a dying breed...

... one of the few good, decent men left out there.

Or so said a friend of mine, in reference to me. However, I'm not here to brag nor is this about my finer qualities. Not at all.

Honest. *grins*

It's 6.40 in the morning, it's chilly, my nose has decided to make a break for it and I just had the one of the longest phone conversations with a girl, since like ages ago.

Almost five hours long, crikey, with both of us zoning out and falling asleep towards the end of it. And she has to get to work at the hospital by 7. Like, holy crap. She called me 'coz she couldn't sleep and we ended up talking and shooting the breeze... and I think that we were inadvertently flirting with each other, but I don't really know 'ocz (1) it could be the lack of sleep fuzzing my brain out and/or (2) I, on my part, have no idea how to flirt.

I'm not kidding. Seriously, I don't.

Which would explain why I can't identify flirting even when it walks down the street wearing sexy, artfully torn mesh-net stockings, sporting a neon pink punk-rockish hairdo and backhands me in the face. Metaphorically speaking, of course.


I'm not dense, I'm just kinda "blur", haha.

And, then again, there is that whole level of comfort that we have since we can say pretty much anything we want to the other with next to no negative consequences. Or, at least, so far. She let me get away with telling her to "get her sexy ass out the door to work"... which was kinda funny and rather surreal. AND I have no idea where that line came from. She laughed, so I guess that it's all good, nyeh?

*shakes head*

Your Honour, I blame lack of sleep for a temporary loss of vocal control and sanity.

At the very least, though, that long conversation proved one thing. I can still make a girl laugh with good humour, sharp [corrupt] wit and intelligence. *small grin*

Okay, so it was kind of about my finer qualities.

So sue me!


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