Thursday, August 26, 2010

>>> Crazy stuff...

... keeps happening.

And I wonder what on Earth did I do to deserve it?

I mean, seriously, like WHAT??

Getting beaten up by someone is already a really disturbing and damaging event. Having it happen to you in your own home is downright insulting and a killer in a psychological sense; after all, it's your home which means that you're supposed to be safe.

When one of your own best friends beats you down in your home, that's just traumatizing.

No one has the bloody right to harm another, even out of anger or whatever, regardless of whether you're in any kind of relationship with another. (War is a completely different matter altogether, but still not quite right.)

Especially on your own home turf.

Even if one made a huge mistake and offended the other party, whether on purpose or by accident, it does not warrant a beating or any kind of physical abuse/harm. And even if the other doesn't want to accept the apologies, reasons and/or circumstances, has their own ideas of everything that has occurred and/or does not wish to believe whatever that has been brought forth... well, IT'S STILL NOT RIGHT.

I'm sorry, but it's just WRONG, no matter how you look at it.

That's it, end of story, period.

Feth me, what a life.


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