Tuesday, January 25, 2011

>>> Thinking...

... in blacks and greys.

In the space of four days, I've come up with two new tattoo designs to grace my dark skin in tones of black and grey in the manner of traditional tattooes. The one that you see here will be placed on the underside of my upper right arm so it will be covered most days by my long-sleeved shirts and hoodies. Unless I'm skating, that is.

But I digress. The reason behind this tattoo? To remind me to be patient and that everything takes time. And, essentially, that's what we have: Time. Yes, even if I, and I quote, "have the patience/tolerance of a Saint", even I need to remember and be reminded that patience is a virtue and that we sometimes have to wait for things. Even if the wait is frustrating beyond all ken.

It's also something that I say a lot of late. Especially to my homies, my fam and, basically, my loved ones. And, yes, to you, too. *chuckles* And to you, as well, you know who you are. *winks knowingly*

And in the past few blog entries, too. *laughs*

So, you must be wondering, why the typewriter font?

Typewriters were what I was first exposed to in the 80s. And I've loved them ever since. I used to type up very childish stories on them with my mom, so they hold a special place in my heart... plus they remind me continuously of old publishing that used the typeface. You know, novels and the like? Yup, I'm pretty much a bookworm. Blame my parents.

Also, I feel that typewriters are kind of timeless and I love looking at the font they used to use. Did you know that different series of typewriters had different typefaces? Or that you could change them out for another one or another coloured "ribbon"?

Not to mention that I love the sound of the clicking-clacking keys, the impact sounds of the key arms thumping against the ribbon on the fed paper, the ring when the carriage reaches the end of the "line" and zwing of the carriage being 'cocked' back into position to start on the next line. *dreamy sigh* I actually miss that, it's kind of amusing that I do.

I would love to own one or two again someday, really old vintage 'writers to put on display and use once in a while while working on the manifesto or manuscript of my life in my sunset-twilight years.

I'll post the other design up when I get a decent scan of it.

For now, let me know what you think.

If you want to, that is.

No pressure.



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