Wednesday, August 13, 2008

>>> Like a blow...

... in the back of a crowded bus.

Like, what the hell, y'all?

Holy crap. Suddenly, it's like there are so many damn KAZEs out there, like kangaroos in the Outback, you know what I mean? Worse still, they all claim to be ONE, as in the only or the first.

I'm sorry to disappoint, boys [and perhaps girls], but I was Kaze FIRST. Since 19-fucking-82. Alright!?

Therefore, I ain't KAZEone no more.

Oh, no, I sure as fucking hell ain't.

It's KAZEfirst from now on.

Y'all dig this?

You do?


'Nuff said.

Laterz, gaterz.


And, yes, there is no damn relation between the title and the subject matter posted. But I hope that it got your damn attention.

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