Wednesday, June 23, 2010

>>> Sick to the pit of my stomach...

... and I have no idea why.

I haven't eaten anything wrong, nor anything that I'm allergic to. And yet I have this sick, cold lump in the very pit of my stomach. It makes me queasy and very uncomfortable. And it brings on a phase of humming at random. As in, I end up humming really strange, random tunes.

And it doesn't help that I question my sanity when that happens. Why? Because when the humming starts, it feels as though my sanity is hanging out in the air, scrabbling at the cliff's edge with its fingernails and trying its very damned best, desperately, to avoid falling down into a deep, dark void where the ocean should be.

Or at least, that's the closest I can get to explaining, with some graphics, what it feels like.

And it doesn't make sense.

Since I have no idea why I feel like that, at all, in the first damn place.

And since I have no idea how to get rid of it, I'm stuck with it.


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