… the Frost.
And the title has nothing to do whatsoever with anything at all.
It was just something that I read somewhere, once many years ago. I think it was when I was in Aussie... and it has something to do with Shakespeare. I'll have to look it up sometime.
It got your attention, though, didn't it?
I'm currently sitting in Takezo's car while we're heading back to his place to finish up assignments.
It's been a very eventful, and quite painful-slash-traumatizing [to be honest], past two weeks. Still somewhat reeling, still recovering and still a little angry. However, I'm taking everything in my stride.
I'll survive and be alright.
After all, it's my choice, ain't it?
So, I choose the path I wish to walk, regardless of the thorns along the way. The only way out is death, and that's never been an option. I know where I want to go and I'm walking along the way I want to go.
So, here we go, onwards and upwards, scaling and clearing the obstacle-like titanic mountains in our way.
With a fecking nuclear-powered mega-bazooka of epic proportions to blast it out of the way. HA!
It's been a tiring past week, but good, in ways. Even with the late nights, staying up with friends till almost five in the morning. At least, I'm getting sleep since no one wakes me till about 12ish, possibly past one in the afternoon.
Wednesday brought a glimmer of hope that something will work out for the best, though it was one of the hardest things that I'd ever had to do. I just pray that time really will help and heal all things.
Thursday brought some joy since Purple was thinking of me, having thought of something that may help me out of a certain situation. If only what she suggested was allowed. Oh, well. But it's the thought that counts, in more ways than one. Stayed out late with Takezo at his crib, trying to finish my schoolwork, but kept stalling and ended up providing some quick help to Takezo on some portions of his school work.
Friday was pretty much more of the same, waking up late, surfing Facebook and chatting with friends over the phone. Ate pretty well, too. Angel and Dubis have been amazing friends, as they've always been, being HUGE pillars of support. Just like Takezo and Katstep. Funny how some of my support happens to come from married couples who are seriously committed to each other. Oh, well, carrying on...
Saturday was the BOMB. Slacked at home when I wasn't doing household chores, which was pretty good. Still thinking of how to install games on my laptop, though, I'd love to play FPSes and stuff on it. Heh. But I digress.
Since Mr Potato's heading off to Melbourne on a permanent basis next Sunday, Dubis and Angel held a farewell party at their crib for him. It was a small affair, being just Angel, Dubis, Potato, Whitewolf and myself. It was awesome, Angel having cooked so much food that we basically polished off in a small percentage of the time that she took to cook them! Bloody delicious, honestly. We proceeded to have a couple of drinks, of the alcoholic persuasion. Hee!! Awesome stuff while watching Kick-Ass, which was bloody dumb at some points, with a somewhat cliché ending. Still good stuff, since the geek gets the popular girl in the end. I am a geek, after all.
Takezo and Katstep picked me up later on, and I hung out with them for quite a while. Learnt some distressing news, too, which has me declaring undying enmity to Katstep's horrible family. Do not ask me what they've done, it's a long, terrible list. -___-
Ended up listening to Takezo vent, which is a good thing since it's better than holding it all in. And got to play a bit on the PS3, too, which was awesome.
Oh, and I learned that it's never a good thing to let your thoughts wander while shaving. Why, you may ask?
Well... I sliced a small bit of skin off of my chin-slash-jawline. OWCH.
Which brings us to today.
I'm no longer in Takezo's car, having left his place a while ago. Now, I'm stuck being up to finish up my assignments which are due in tomorrow.
Today has been rather strange, but I've got through it and I finally ate at Botak Jones today. Their Massive burger is AMAZING. Like freaking A-MAZING!!!
Many thanks to Takezo and Katstep once again for dinner!
Unfortunately, a part of my spectacles snapped off this morning when I was wiping it... ah, well, looks like Purple gets one of her wishes since she's wanted me to get a new one for a while now, haha! Have to do it tomorrow, and just hope that I can make it to the shop in time after class!
Anyway, time is ticking. It may go slowly when you don't want it to, but it doesn't wait for anyone, so I gotta hammer away at my schoolwork before I run out of time and energy.
Laters, Gaters.
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