Sunday, June 20, 2010

>>> One more arrow...

... to pierce the heart.

Well, things move on and on, the world doesn't stop spinning when things go wrong, so I'm going to keep on going.

Even if I have to endure "radio silence" with Her for a month. I survived two weeks, what's another month, right? It'll be over before I know it.

And as long as I have my friends and family around me, I can make it through.

Just have to look after myself, realize my own self-worth once again and become a properly responsible person. It'll take time, but I'll do it.

For now, I'll concentrate on completing my schoolwork, finishing my course and hammering my apprenticeship at some VWO or the other.

Then I'll settle my employment, preferably by the end of August and start my own savings. I never want to be broke again.

On another note, I never want to see another chicken wing, fried or otherwise, ever again!!!


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