Saturday, February 26, 2011

>>> Doesn't matter...

... if you don't say it outright.

I can hear it in your tone and the things you say. The way you compare me to everyone else around us. In the way you treat all others differently.

I'm not in the same situation as everyone else. In fact, I'm NOT everyone else, I'm ME. I'm DIFFERENT. But, no, you still treat the whole thing as if I had the most normal lifestyle and upbringing in the world, like I had the same path as everyone else.


Like REAL.

I'm so disconnected from people that I don't belong to ANY group, I just flit from group to group like I don't tangibly exist, even IF I do happen to like entertaining people. SO, I have to be alone at the end of the day with no one to turn to. But, guess what? I don't like being alone. In fact, I hate it. But would you understand? Oh, no, you wouldn't!

That would be such weakness to you, wouldn't it. Like how I'm weak all over, a failure and a disappointment, with my multitude of flaws, phobias, allergies and whatnot.

Unlike the other two, who are such bright stars in your eyes, perfect in every way.

Joy, joy, bully for them.

It doesn't matter what I do or say or anything, I'll never amount to anything in your eyes.

You don't even think that I'll get a place in any of the Unis that I'm applying for, do you? You probably even think that it's a waste of time helping me with anything 'coz I don't do anything for you. That everything that I do is a right that you possess and expect from me. So, I have no rights; I'm not a being who's entitled to his feelings, negative or otherwise. And who is to [or can] be blamed for everything that doesn't go right.

I'm always wrong, you're always right.

After all, I'm such a failure.

Aren't I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi dude, Kai here.

Do i seriously need to go over there and remind you why the heck you are one of my friends?


Seriously i gotta say one thing about some people, cause i do not like what they are saying.

If people cannot cope with the flaws of another person or bring him/herself to understand or comprehend a person like you, they should frigging go eat some shit.

Being a friend means more than just having someone to talk to, its a relationship, and as far as i know being in a relationship, its about "Compromising". A normal relationship of boy and girl has to have this otherwise its going nowhere, so if its so bloody hard for this person to compromise with some of somebody's failures, and simply label him as useless or weak, then i gotta say this.

"GROW UP, and stop using your own idea of perfection as an excuse to bloody label somebody as useless. You don't own his life, and if you can't understand him, stop trying to condemn him because you're too damn fucking lazy to try."

Sorry Kaze if this is insulting but this has GOT to be said, and i'm sick and tired of seeing you trampled over.