After all that delicious pain from the tattooist's needle penetrating your skin a dozen dozen over times within the span of a few seconds, the joy of seeing your freshly inked but raw and swollen flesh and the satisfaction of viewing the end-product, something that will always be an indelible part of you, inscribed into the depths of your epidermis and holds so much meaning and beauty within it.
Gorgeous scar tissue.
*dreamy sighs and fluttering eyes*
You feel lighter, too, like your burdens have been lifted from your shoulders, and your head's filled with euphoric helium, like you're floating on clouds and not walking upon hard pavement. You can't help but smile with silliness and joy.
But then again, it could be just the blood loss and body chemicals talking.

*shrugs nonchalantly*
Go figure.
I'm still a helluva lot happier after my fourth inking.
My wallet's hurting, but I'm still happy.
Go figure.
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