First up is the movie 'review' of the new animated feature film by Disney and Pixar, Wall-E.

First off, the whole film is based around the adventures of a lone surviving waste disposal 'bot, named WALL-E [which is an acronym for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class] that has a gained a form of sentience and has a grasp of emotions.
And he's such a sweet character, too. He has this aura of simplicity and innocence.
And the rest of the cast is amazing, with a hair-trigger-happy 'girl' 'bot, a cute li'l anti-biohazard one and a host of others.
The best part of the whole show?
There is next to no dialogue.
Yes, that's right. Most of the communication in this one is done via body language, expressions and sound effects. Amazing work.
Oh, and it manages to show the possible [worst-case] outcome if we keep up our current rate of waste production, along with the fallout of corporate privatization and dominance. The animators did a real fantastic job of portraying an Earth wracked by the result of over-pollution.
That, and what might happen if we rely overly much on technology.
So, you could say that there's a moral built into the movie.
All in all, this was a fantastic movie!
Cute, funny, touching and all together AWESOME.
The final rating?
A whooping outstandingly awesome TEN (10) out of ten (10), with more than enough "thumbs up" to make it worth not only watching in the cinemas, but adding it to your DVD collection, too.
Yeap, a perfect score.
You know what that means.
Yeap, yeap, I absolutely loved it!
And all of you - yes, YOU - should go watch this film!
And, now, moving on...
... it's been a helluva weekend at work.
And my last attachment for the week was at Tampines Mall, working the 9-5 stretch.
Yeah, yeah, like office hours, I know. But SB-TS was a cool place to work and I learnt some really cool stuff while I was over there. Hopefully, I don't forget what those things are, haha!
The partners were so welcoming, it was like finding a second home. Too bad that two of the partners I was in class with had quit from there. *sad shrug* Oh, well, I hope that whatever they're doing now is working out for them.
To Wandy, Iqah, Su "Flu" [previously from SB-NP], "Rainwoman" Connie, Martin, Alia, Faiz and "Face Doesn't Suit The Cap" Fahmi, thank you for a most wonderful and enjoyable shift in your store!
I'll try and drop by soon.
Clockwise, from top left: Wandy, Iqah, Su "Flu", Connie & Faiz, Martin, "Rainwoman" Connie
With that, I leave thee till the next post...
... for I have to send out a search party to aid my father's Quest for the Lost Nail-cutter.
What a life.
I need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~...
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