Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean, 'ey?
Oh, and look, we created a new word. I mean, seriously, is there even such a word as manifestory? Oh, wait, there is. Crap. So, it does exist, but has no official definition that I can find. Truly, the strange does exist on the cyber-networks of the world.
And, in all honesty, the title of the day actually, loosely refers to the act of watching a film and reactions to said watched films, among other things. It's truly open to your own interpretation, my dear reader.
Go figure, eh?
However, moving on...
... up next are four movie reviews as viewed by the common man that I am. Yes, four. Not one or two, but four.
Yes, this is what happens when I take a break from updating things.
So, let's get down to it.
First up, The Dark Knight of Gotham.
But I am not going to over-praise Heath [may his soul rest in piece] for his portrayal of The Joker. Yes, he made an amazing Joker, really carried the role and pretty much stole the show. BUT that made me stop and think about whether it was his real-time death that made this movie role stand out even more. *shrug*
I say kudos to the scriptwriters and wonderful work by them. Heath just took his part and made their work glow on-screen.
Poor Aaron and Christian. Their characters of Dent and Wayne were so overshadowed by the Joker. I mean, the Joker seems to have more screentime than the Batman, it's ridiculuous! Christian even said,
"I have no problem with competing with someone else. And that's going to make a better movie."
Boy, was he somewhat right.
But they should've renamed it The Joker or something like that. Unless, the Dark Knight is somehow referring to The Joker as well... *shrug*
Aaron was good as Dent and then as Two-Face, though I believe that his downwards spiral into madness seems rather sudden. Anguish equals instant insanity? Holy crazies, Batman!?
I think that the best line that came out of this movie is the one that Harvey says when at dinner with Wayne and Rachel, and is something along the following line,
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain."
The rest of the cast, like Oldman as Gordon [who is so understated and displays real emotion as a distraught man] and Caine as Alfred along with the short-lived Rachel played by Maggie plus Mr Freeman as Lucius Fox [OMG! FREEMAN!!! Blood good actor as a bonus! *insert many fangirls squealing*], were bloody brilliant and really brought extra "Oomph!" to the whole film.
However, I have one gripe...
... why can't Batman just get a voice modulator to change his voice instead of gutturally growling the whole way??? Like wtf, dudes.
All in all, a damn fine film that deserves a fantastic nine.
Just because I believe that the Batman shouldn't have to growl and spit.
AND because too many people give the Joker way too much credit.
So, HA! Eat THAT, Joker freaks!
On a sidenote, I took my mom, Pervalidus and his mother to this movie. Our mothers were relatively unimpressed due to the music and such drowning out the dialogue, according to them.
The final rating - with one being completely abysmal and ten being, in Harebell's words, "greater than great!" - is.... drumroll, pleeease...
*drum roll played by a HUGE percussion band in the background that cuts out after a couple of minutes*
NINE, which means "a definite must-see and you'll be surprised at how good it is". *looks askance at the percussion band* Guys, that was a bit long, yes? Try for a shorter one next time, but thank you!
Final rating: A whopping NINE (9) out of ten (10).
Oh, and nice interesting little tidbit of info: Check out The Killing Joke graphic novel that was published by DC Comics back in 1988 and reprinted in 2003. You'll be surprised by what you read, I reckon.
By the way, if anyone can tell me where I can find the original 1988 print, aside from ebay, I would be most appreciative.
Next up, the third installment of the Mummy.
No, chaps, not YOUR mummy. The Mummy, as in the movie.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, to be exact.
The Dragon Emperor and his terracotta army are found by Alex O'Connell, the son of Rick and Evy in the middle of some desert, while his parents are tasked to deliver an artifact to China. As usual, pure chaos ensues as a plot to revive the Dragon Emperor and have him conquer the world in order "to return it to a lawful state without corruption" [or some such ideal].
So, it's up to the O'Connells family and company to save the day.
The movie should be watched, really, but everything feels rather rushed, like the romance between the young Alex and Lin and the chase scene through the streets of Shanghai.
However, it is a nice trip away from the everyday if you're looking for a fantastical journey into adventure.
Oh, and Yetis play american football... we blame the wireless radio network back in the mid-40s for that, haha! Definitely a favourite part of the movie for me.
Overall, it deserves a rather high rating, but due to the unseemly rush inherent to the movie, it might suffer a bit in the score.
Final rating: an above average SIX AND A HALF (6.5) out of ten (10).
Moving on to the next movie in the line-up...
... is Death Race, the remake of an old 1975 movie entitled Death Race 2000.
The amount of blood and gore didn't hurt, either.
And for once, there wasn't much sex and the like in it, though there was plenty of sex appeal.
The premise is a bit shaky if you ask me, though. I mean, the movie says that in four years, the US economy will collapse and that private corps will take over the running of most things, like the prisons. But that doesn't make sense, how the hell would they still have money to do?
And further more, will we be so stripped of humanity that we will actually watch people, even if they're incarcerated felons, fight to the death for pleasure?
Shows you what we'll eventually come to. No ca$h to survive with properly, but we'll spend a few bucks for entertainment.
Jason Statham is pretty damn good in this movie, his facial expressions actually speaking volumes. And the way his character puts everything together to figure out how and who framed him is good, too. His character is also rather brilliant, especially with a little verbal help from Coach.
And the concept behind the races should be turned into a video game. In the first lap, drivers have to rely on their speed and skill; while in the second and third laps, their weapons can be armed, defences activated and traps activated. And all this by driving over these rather large, round metal tiles with the iconography of a sword, a shield and a skull. No prizes for guess what they activate, yeah?
Another cool thing is that the original Frankenstein from Death Race 2000, played by David Carradine, is reprised for the beginning of the movie as the Carradine Frankenstein drives the vehicle that gets blown up by "Machine Gun" Joe.
Natalie Martinez as Case was just pure hotness. And the only navigator to survive the whole Death Race. Go look her up, you hot-blooded lot, you won't regret it! :D
Anyways, this is another must watch, if just for the sheer simplicity and blatant action of it all.
However, the whole trailer pretty much gives away majority of the movie.
Final rating: another above average SIX AND A HALF (6.5) out of ten (10).
Ah, and finally the last of the four movies...
... the animated flick Star Wars: Clone Wars.
However, the style is fresh and the dialogue isn't as wooden as one would expect.
The way the clone troopers are depicted is also rather humanizing. In other words, they're pretty cool and not as retarded as you'd expect whole vatloads of them to be.
Generally, all round, it was a pretty dead cool flick and serves as a nice intro to the television series that'll be coming out this month Stateside.
However, one can't help but feel that it could've been better and that it lacked a certain flavour of some kind that one can't quite put his finger on.
That and the general feeling that spending ten bucks at the cinema to watch it was a waste, does NOT help it at all.
Final rating: a high percentile of SEVEN AND A HALF (7.5) out of ten (10).
Whew, now that's settled...
... I can move on to other things.
Work has been murder on my energy levels, and it doesn't help that my mom has me started on some weird Herbalife product that's supposed to help me lose weight. Unfortunately, I have to take double the normal amount 'coz it doesn't leave me filled and I get hungry after like a coupla hours.
Now, however, I'm kinda slacking on the Herbalife and I've finally got four days of blissful off.
Well, it would be blissful if I didn't have to do other stuff.
Like what stuff do I have to do, you ask?
Well, there are those pieces that I have to do for Shun's memorial [one and a half down, three and a half more to go; oh, crap.] which will be due in about 7 days or less. *choking sounds fade into the background*
Then, there's the hoodie that I'm working on. Have to get together all the designs for the patches, find a suitable 6 yards of cloth to use as the inner lining plus work on stenciling certain exterior panels.
And I have to perfect my Alien Organix style, sketch out my name since I haven't done it in ages, finalise some handstyles for Kawaiikunaii [which is not as easy as it sounds since I have not been able to produce anything that I actually like so far], finish up some other sketches that I've started, figure out what images to be used for my laptop Ikari's skin, get my next tattoo design settled and put down a few more t-shirt design concepts.
PLUS a half a dozen or more pieces to be done.
Not to mention the first chapter of Crossbones' Tales, my fanfic based in the Jovian Chronicles' universe, which is still lying fallow in my hard disk.
Along with having to plan either a new Exalted campaign or a Scion one while having to update the ol' Wolves of the Apocalpyse blog. OMG.
*shakes head* My head could go for a spin at this rate. Busy is not the word, innit?
At least I've finished a coupla pieces, like the ones below. Even if one of them wasn't really in the pending-job-queue...
The top one is a request by my shift supe Huda, who I rarely get to see and reminds me of a grumpy mother bear at times, haha! The t-shirt was a spontaneous design with a stencil ouuta a mag on a freshly purchased Giordano tee, done a couple of Sundays ago after treating Mach2 to homemade Bombay Toast. Doesn't he look oh-so pleased?
Oh, yeah, just to let you lot know, I have a new second-hand laptop and it's been christened IKARI. Epic win! And, like I mentioned earlier, I'm hoping to get it skinned later this month.
That, and hopefully a new battery for poor Ikari-kun.
But it also looks like it'll be backburned 'coz i've to help pay the utilities' bill. Cripes, there goes my expenditure plan right out the window. And I still have to save ca$h, too, for my second tattoo.
Oh, dear God.
Oh, and I found the alphabet that the Star Wars universe uses, and in true fanboy fashion, I want my real name done up in it as a tattoo. Like either along my forearm, around an ankle or along the base of my neck. Hahahahaha! I mean, it'd be freaking cool to have tattoo done in Aurebeshi, as it's called, I reckon. *grins*

Yes, I am nuts. Go figure, 'ey?
In my own personal life, my love life is a fecking mess. I accidentally proposed to one woman that I've known for eons, I'm in love with another that I've known for ages and basically watched grow up [relax, she's five years younger than me] but will never be able to get but we're kinda dating [I think], and there's a hopeless 16 year old after me. Amazing, non? Most guys would kinda kill to be wanted or somewhat involved with three women, but here I am wanting to be shot...
... like I say to my fellow Baristas, "Bar, I need to be shot!"
And I so need a full-time job that pays. But I've given up on finding one here in this godforsaken country.
Holy crap.
I'm screwed, aren't I?
Anyways, I've been meeting up peeps that I'ven't seen for a while as of late, like Candyman, Straight Arrow, Grimm, Ferret, Pervalidus, Da J-Meister, Ghoul and Reena. And all of 'em aren't doing too badly, which is good. And my sisters Flalicious and Sassin called me over the last two days, which was really sweet of them; hopefully, I get to see them both soon.
And work has been fun, meeting new peeps all the time. It's damnably fun working so many different oartners at so many different stores.
But I've only seen my store like 4 times out of the last fifteen days; I miss my base! I've been working at Shaw [ST], Bugis Junction [BG], Vivocity 2 [V2] and The Concourse [CS] over the remaining portion. Not to say that I had no off during those fifteen days, I did have some.
Three days of it.
Anyways, below are the few miserable pictures that I managed to get, with many declining to be remembered on digital film for all eternity due to various reasons; the leading reason being "I'm not pretty enough for this right now!", haha!
Amira and Affendi from Shaw Tower, Xiong with his damn cool shades from Thomson Plaza [Looking good, bro!], Santiago from Bugis, Myself with Yul and Pearly from Bugis [I love you two! ;)], Farrah and "Sharky" representing for Vivocity's two stores [Gorgeous ladies! *dreamy sigh* ;)] and Haffiz from Vivocity 2.
And that's pretty much it for this entry...
... so I'll leave you with something extra for your visual pleasure.
Resistance is Futile ver.3.0.1 :: Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful
What's there not like when the entire band has been transformed into beautiful ladies, 'ey?
Laterz, gaterz!
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