... and I've been so goddamned unproductive.
Unfortunately, I don't have anything new to put up here since my latest art pieces are pretty much up on dA. *shrugs* And I haven't been working on any new pieces of late, not even a movie review. Hell, I don't even have any new photos! But why, you ask?
Could it be the lack of inspiration? Not quite, though it should be a straight 'no' in all honesty, my friends. And with all my crew and some very important muses like Xaila, a most wonderful muse, in so many ways. *smirks*
Is it due to a lack of ideas? Nope, not at all, I have ton loads. Seriously. TON loads. Just ask Deboahan, IF you don't believe me. That's probably 'coz I have a brain that travels at speeds beyond normal thought in way too many different directions. At least that explains why I'm usually so scattered, eh? *laughs wryly*
The possible inability or non-possession of skills required to put said ideas to paper? A small portion of the reason, but not the whole of it.
Or could it be due to some other, unstated technical difficulty? Like, say, artist's block? A straight, flat-out NO is in order as an answer to this one... NO.
The honest, simple truth is that I've been feeling rather, well, moodless when it comes to art in general. I just do not possess the inclination to even pick up my pencils to start sketching. However, I know that I didn't force myself to do up the last few pieces of mine, so this is a rather recent development. No idea how it will last, seriously. I just hope that it's a short spell 'coz I have loads of stuff to do.
I see someone in the back raising their hand to ask a question... go ahead, boy-o, ask away.
Oh, you want to know where I am? As in right now? Well, just to satisfy some's curiousity about that, I'm currently sitting in my store, semi-curled up on a couch and feeling rather comfortable. Yes, I am such a couch whore. I love sofas-slash-couches and I even have an old two-seater in my bedroom. I swear that when I finally get my own crib, I will have at least one couch in each room.
Oh, such dreams... seems pretty simplictic, really, doesn't it? But I am a simple person, I guess, with a somewhat complicated mind.
Oh, did I mention that I'm also "Corrupt 25/7", according to some of my friends? I kinda agree with that... so much so that I tagged it up on my wall, just above the foot of my bed. *laughs*
Anyways, I'm chatting with my wonderful muse Xaila at the moment, so I should give her my full attention before she decides to crawl into bed... without me, unfortunately. *laughs again*
Laterz, gaterz, see y'all the next time 'round.
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