My stint with the Army Reserves is finally over after two weeks. It was an interesting and somewhat strange ICT this time around.
Having no vehicles to look after and shepherd, and instead of joining one of the fighting platoons, I was seconded to the QM and dealt with stores. Lots of heavy lifting with all the rest of the storemen always exclaiming on how much I can carry and my ingenuity. *laughs* I also managed catch up on sleep, too, since it was mostly long periods of nothing to do with a short burst of hectic activity followed by yet more long periods of nothing. *laughs some more*
It's sad that our OC and CQ have completed their ICT obligations, having hit the age limit and being sent to the Reserves Lists. But I'm happy for them because they've done their service and have earned their rest from it.
For me, I have seven more to go. Although it will not be with the Flight as a whole, sadly. This was our last ICT together as a whole unit, as MDF. From now on, we have a different designation and we've been broken down into smaller units to complement and support the other flights.
But it looks like I might be having another ICT this year, which will cut down the number I have to perform even more and I may be done way before I'm 40.
It's a good thing, trust me.
On the personal front...
... things aren't as cheery.
EDIT: It seems in my usual mild form of dyslexicness, I managed to not type out an entire portion of this post! So, here it is, in wonderful italics:
The packing at home is not going well, the parentals are feeling the stress so hard that they're taking it out on the nearest warm bodied targets in their vicinity with dire sonic consequences for their victims. And they're becoming incredibly inflexible about almost everything and everything turns into a shouting match of some kind. It's incredibly exhausting and somewhat damaging.
And for some strange reason everyone keeps asking me when I'm going to get married, for some strange reason. I get the fact that I'm in my late twenties, but, seriously, I don't intend to get married anytime soon. After all, there's no one in my life at the moment and I'm not going to rush into a marriage with the first available woman I meet, thank you very much. And, NO, I'm not letting my mother arrange any matches or marriages for me, NO WAY IN HELL.
I mean, would you?
Even if I did get married, it'll be to someone of my choosing with her mutual agreement to the matter. With mutually shared feelings, if you catch my drift. My life, my terms, thank you very much.
And carrying on with the rest of my strange life...
From one, now three of my exes have been texting me. To make this very clear, I really don't mind, it's dead nice since it means we're on speaking terms. But, it makes one wonder what their motives are, like what do they want... IF you were paranoid, that is. I just wonder what prompted them to text me of all people, but it's nice of them to remember me, honestly.
So, I just take it as it comes. If they speak, they speak, it's totally cool. AIYC, y'know, Always In Your Corner. I'm there if they need me, you know what I mean. *small smiles*
I'm just concerned about Maple now, the infamous Pancakes Girl as some of my close friends call her. Not a whisper or a peep out of her since last Saturday which bothers me. But I'll keep it cool. If she wants to reach me, she knows how to.
And it's strange to admit, but I do kind of miss her. *shrugs* Oh, well...
And, now, to pray that I get the place in Macquarie. I need my father's credit card since I don't have one of my own. Though I'm wondering if they'd accept debit instead. But, that aside, I really, really need to get in, just to prove a point to my parents and all the naysayers who believe that I don't stand a chance of getting into any Uni. AND I rerally need to figure out where I can get cash from for it. Like a TON of it!
*looks skywards*
I'm a man in serious need of miracles.
Laters, all.
... a little weirder as time crawls along.
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