Well, being the genius that I am, I've decided to do my own SAVE JAPAN piece. So, store rules be damned, I'm going to do some designing today!

And while searching for ideas, I came across this illo of a mecha from Zone of Enders 2. It looks pretty cool, especially with what I believe are electro-magnetic accessories (possible
fin-funnels?) that are hovering around its thruster pack unit. Plus the designer has elimanated the difficult design required with feet/boot parts by removing them and giving the legs a tapered look that end in flat, slightly runneled ends. Not sure how it would stand on them, but perhaps the mecha itself is just required to operate in vacuum. Or perhaps it has, like its free floating accessories, some sort of electro-magnetic field that holds it up while standing upon them. I may try out this design idea for what I'm going to design.
I have a whole buncha ideas bouncing around in my head, they all seem great. But then, everything seems like a good idea at the time.
Let's see where it goes, ey?
Wish me luck!
... and a certain rising sun.
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