Monday, April 25, 2011

>>> April's almost over...


I'm going to keep this short since my brain is not exactly functioning at full capacity right now.

I blame my sinus rhinitis. My nose is running like a tap on a slow trickling flood of silliness.


Did that even make any sense!?


Anyways, life's been rather quiet of late.

In more ways than one.

At least the family's moved into the "newer" place in AMK and we're slowly settling in. The Move has been insane and tempers were worn thin & fraying around our necks. Hopefully Peace decides to settle in soon, too. The unpacking is going at a snail's pace, but at least it's going along. My nose is suffering from the amount of dust that's been thrown around PLUS the way the boxes and assorted stuff are stacked is not doing my claustrophobia any favours.

*pained look*

When all's said and done, I just have to finish clearing the boxes in the boys' room and then it's a trip to the storage hub to retrieve my art books and some other stuff. After that, I have to find a way to get my clothes washed.


'Coz the washin machine hasn't been set up and I'm running out of boxers.

But you guys didn't need to know that.


Well, not really.

But, anyways, I'm off to do stuff.


... and it's not much of a tragedy.

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