Saturday, May 08, 2010

>>> Self-hate...

... is dangerous.

So is self-loathing.

Which amounts to roughly the same thing, doesn't it?

And I pretty much hate myself right now since I can't seem to do anything right. Or, at this present moment, it feels that way.

And the stress over school, my school assignments-cum-assessments, the search for a part-time job, the upcoming sale of my home [of the last 14 years], my need to find a place to live and my girlfriend is eating away at me and causing mad insecurity.

At least, I'm aware of it. I just wish that I knew how to deal with it. Not that I'm not trying. It just sucks how lost and confused I am at the moment and how much of a jackass that I feel I am.

Will things ever get better???


I dunno.


Laters, Gaters.

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