Yeah, yeah, I know. It's uber lame. But it should've gotten your attention. Non?
Anyways, looks like the best laid plans often go awry. How and what do I mean? Let's just say instead of watching something black, white and furry, Pervalidus, Ferret and myself ended up watching something huge, green and angry.
Yeap, that's right we watched The Incredible Hulk.

Warning: Spoilers may be ahead, for those who do not wish their viewing pleasure destroyed by knowing what happens in the end, please avert your eyes and/or go somewhere else.
I have no definite favourite moments, but the parkour-like chase scene in the Brazilian city, the way he makes his way back up to Culver, his fight with the Abomination and, the ultimate pinnacle, the Big Green roaring "HULK SMASH!".
Oh, hell yeah, this movie rocked on so many levels. It had a plausible storyline, Edward Norton as Bruce Banner was a wonderful choice, the redesign of the Abomination was fantastic [and a helluva lot better than the original reptilian design from the comics], the obligatory sex scene was hilarious [I blame the Brucester's need to not have his heart race beyond 200bpm as the main issue! LOL.] and overall, it just flowed rather well.
And let's face it, Bruce Banner's rather sinister smile as his eyes turn such a wonderful shade of green - of his own volition - at the end of the movie was so satisfying.
That, and having Tony Stark appear towards the end was quite gratifying. The Hulkbuster Program and the Avengers, anyone? *evil laugh*
However, this movie did not score full marks because even though a lot of people love Liv Tyler, I find that she's rather like a porcelain doll. That and the quick devolving spiral of Blonsky in drug addiction like fashion was rather disappointing.
Therefore, in conclusion, this movie obtains...
... a mighty NINE out of ten!!!
For those who haven't watched this yet, go watch it...
... NOW!!!
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