Hey, waitaminit, ain't that s'posed to be Indiana Jones!?
Ask Kenneth from SBTH, he'll tell you exactly who and what Indian Jones is.
However, moooving ooon...
Yet another epic Indiana Jones film. It was good, if a bit far-fetched. And, guys, c'mon, wasn't the number 51 on the hangar door enough of a hint to make you guys suspect the [remote possibility] of extraterrestrial involvement? Like, hello, BIG spoiler giveaway right within the first few moments of the movie! But, it does keep a body guessing what'll happen next, tho' it often seems pretty obvious.
I really liked the idea, even if it was really unbelievable and probably damn nigh impossible at that, behind the hiding-in-lead-lined-fridge-and-surviving-a-nuclear-blast scene. Like the rest of the movie. Far-fetched, but c'mon, it's a trademark of most Indiana Jones movies; pulp-fiction-like action mixed with wise guy & dry wit banter.
The only issue I had was that certain things seemed too pat [like the instant acceptance of Mutt's story about Oxley and his mom, and Marion & Indy rekindling their love on the run] and it seemed a tad bit rushed. BUT...
I really don't get what all the fuss is about with the "OMG, it'll rape your childhood memories" and "it was unbelievably unrealistic" and what-not.
Christ. Almighty. On. A. Crutch.
No offence, JC, seriously.
PEOPLE, take a chill pill, it's a bloody pulp fiction action film, it's not s'posed to be realistic!
But right about now, all that matters is that I enjoyed the film. And I had the good company of Pervalidus to enjoy it with. So, chaps, all you really need to enjoy a movie is to go in with no expectations [whatsoever] and a friend or three.
But, then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. *shrug*
Overall rating for this movie?
A great, big, whopping EIGHT (8) out of ten (10).
There, done.
Next film: KUNG-FU PANDA!
Now to do a Panda...
... eats, shoots and leaves.
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