Or so most seem to think.
Twenty-six. Past the quarter-of-a-century mark. Cripes.
My birthday passed without much incident. Basically, I didn't get punked, but I did end up working on my birthday, on my sixth straight shift - and I worked seven before I could cling to my two days off, which didn't give me much rest either - and was really stunned by some of my regulars. Secrets and Wiggy actually got me some really thoughtful presents: a huge sunflower (which is sitting in my house), a cute li'l birthday balloon (which is still floating in my store's backroom), a cute li'l dog-in-a-paper-bag paperweight and a really cool single sheet personalized card that had a really funny prose-ish piece on it.
Check it out:
raaj the duck
works at Starbucks
Alamak! :|
And today's a special day
which calls for a rise in pay
But to our dismay
No fucking way! >:<
But it's okay
***'s coming your way
To chase the blues away :)
works at Starbucks
Alamak! :|
And today's a special day
which calls for a rise in pay
But to our dismay
No fucking way! >:<
But it's okay
***'s coming your way
To chase the blues away :)
Sweet, neh? Though we have no idea what *** is, it really brightened up my day, it did. *laughs*
Even if I was freaking stoned and pissed off Huda. *shrug* Oh, well, shit happens and I'm only human.
I think.
Well wishes poured in from family and friends, regardless of where they were. There are no words to express how happy you guys and gals made li'l ol' moi... I LOVE YOU LOT!!! *jumps around*
Grimm, Ferret, Ero and Pervalidus dropped by to wish me...
... and then dragged me to Grimm's place for pizza and movies. All I can say is that watching Hitman while eating fresh home-delivered pizza with your posse is the bomb! *laughs* Plasticated should've been here... well, there's always next year!
Provided that I'm still alive, of course.
Which I should be.
Unless the rest of you have other plans?
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