... about the power of Three.
Lightning strikes twice.
Magic strikes thrice.
And what strikes once?
Everything else apparently.
*laughs with a shrug*
But this is really about things happening in threes, or thrice as is the usual term, like magic.
Take the following, for example.
A good circle of immediate best friends occurs in threes. I'm serious. Have a good look the next time you see a large group of people pass you by; it'll just so happen that there will be small little 'circles' of threes within said group. Keep your eyes open. *grins*
The most popular of simple sexual fantasies happen to be threesomes. I'm not kidding, even if no one wants to admit to it. I would love to be involved in a threesome, though it'd have to be with people I know or love. *laughs* At least I'm honest, right?
It takes three cigarettes for me to be 'alright' to sleep. Yes, I have to smoke before I sleep. I know it's bad for me. Sue me.
The third skateboard that a body owns usually lasts the longest. Or it takes a lot shorter to disappear. In other words, stolen! I'm not kidding, it's happened to so many of my old skater buddies.
There's that saying of “the third time's the charm”, wherever that came from. Just goes to show that the third time 'round is usually better than the rest!
I could go on and on, but I wouldn't want to bore you too much.
So, the next time you're out and about, take a look around.
What do you see?
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