Wednesday, August 06, 2008

>>> Need some lovin'...

... 'coz I'm a-feelin' poorly.

*Warning: Foul language ahead. Leave NOW if you cannot stomach such language. We here at Musings on the Breeze will not be held responsible for any negative reactions to the following entry. You have been warned.*


Fallin' sick, gotta runnin' nose...

*nose pops off and takes off at a sprint*


*nose runs off into the distance*


As I was saying, my nose is a-runnin' and I have a bloody 'eadache due to all the sneezin'. And I reckon it's 'coz I was clearing the worktable in my room. Finally, I can work at it... now I need a freakin' work-lamp!


And to top it all off, the crib feels HAWT, like a freakin' sauna. Gorrammit.

*clutches head with a hand*

And my head's poundin' like a boomin' amplifier on steroids being powered by a 1000 megawatt generator and being hit on by a sledgehammer, and to top it all off, the so-called 'soft' light exuded by the screen's a-killin' my eyes as i type this.

My mom's being a real ***** about me being sick, a freakin' first. And yes, I'm upset about it. I've never had my mom turn me away or anything like that before. Maybe it's part of growing up... something the lines of growing a spine and lookin' after yourself? Well, if I still have to grow a spine, I hope to fuckin' God that it freakin' GLOWS. 'Specially during sex.

Or maybe she's just irritable 'coz she's tired after work.

*longer sigh*

Nothin' else to say, really, just lookin' for sympathy.

At least I'm honest.


In other news...

12 hour shift last Saturday! Amazing beyond all freakin' belief. Why the hell are other stores playing punk with us in regards to attachment partners!?


Oh, and I drew a piece for Ayura from SBLS in return for a pack of cigs; and I still owe her a KFC meals over a very silly bet. Lesson learnt in this 'ere 'nstance is to use yer thrice-damned eyes an' dun' be too damn cocksure, sonny.

I'm gonna have a lie-down and be miserable in my room.

Fuck. Again.

I need sex, fer Christ's sakes.



*collapses on bed*

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