Yeah, finally getting around to reviewing both Hellboy 2 The Golden Army and Hancock.

Other than that, the movie was rather disappointing.
That is IF you bought into all the hype that now surrounds a movie before it is released.
Though it departs from the traditional hammer-and-pound of the previous film, it's take of mythical and folklore-ish creatures along with some historical basis [Thank you, ABE!] more than makes up for it, in my honest opinion. Especially with the actual authentic Gaelic that the Sidhe speak.
Though the humour is rather lame at times, it somehow fits in the setting of Hellboy 2, more than one can believe. Though it had several watchers "palming their face", as it were, it had more than its fair share of the audience laughing.
My favourite portions of this movie were the scenes in which the Prince Nuada is performing his blade katas, and the drunken singing of Abe & Hellboy when they were feeling miserable over their loves.
I enjoyed watching the movie, though some may argue that one factor was that I'd managed to pull a dozen people - Alan, Andrew, Carol, Ero-Otaku, Ferret, Ghoul, Grim, Mach2, Pervalidus, Sassin, Ting and myself - along for the ride, but it was fun, visually appealing and not as predictable as one would expect.
Overall, it was an enjoyable watch, with a good mix of humour, action, drama and fantasy.
Oh, and by the way, Johann Krauss was a wicked addition to the cast and story.
Final rating: a 'grand' score of seven (7) out of ten (10).
Hey, it could've been worse. If Carol'd fallen asleep, the rating would've dropped even further! Hahahahaha!!!
But, do watch the film!
Next up, HANCOCK...

It was rather refreshing and the humour was easy enough to understand, leaving the audience in stitches.
Except for the prison confrontation which had the audience despairing about whether to feel horrified, to laugh maniacally or both!
That was genius and I can't wait for the Director's Cut DVD when it comes out. But that's another story in itself.
The real kicker is when we, the audience, find out about his past and the fact that the PR guy's wife is like Hancock... and Hancock's bloomin' wife.
And the newly designed suit that the PR dude makes for Hancock is kinda cool, even if it looks like something out of the X-Men.
I don't want to spoil this for everyone, but you gotta watch this movie, seriously!
And the ending is like nothing that you'll ever think of.
Oh, and by the way, the fact that the Singaporean theaters actually changed the vista that you see on reflected on Hancock's shades just plain SUCKS and reeks of utter hubris.
Final rating: a mighty score of eight (8) out of ten (10).
There done.
Finally I can rest my bloody eyes.
And I can stop cracking my head.
Till the next time.
Laterz, gatorz.