Nope, not a bit.
Why? Well, because I'd rather be asleep and ignoring the whole world right now. Well, maybe not the whole world, but close enough.
Yes, I'm being selfish. I think I'm entitled to be like that every once in a while, don't you think? You don't?
Hypocrites. *pinched look* All of you. H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S.
*grimaces* Okay, fine, that wasn't really very fair of me 'coz some of you aren't. But MOST of you are. So there. HAH!
Yeah, yeah, I sound like a petulant six year old. I get the point, natch.
... Azhki's back from Japan just last night and being the nice guy that I am, I will not be heading over to his crib with Schakatze and/or Pervalidus to ransack his luggage and make his current state of life generally miserable. After all, Schakatze has work tomorrow and definitely will not feel like getting out of bed anyway [especially if she pulled an all-nighter].
But we'll see how it goes. For now, I have housework to do, like vacuuming the house and clearing up the laundry. Bleah. How I detest household chores.

I sense even more impending insanity with the rest of the party plotting to kill Raliel, the possibility of a new Lunar Exalted joining in and a pugnacious squirrel NPC. Don't ask.
People, I sense a disturbance in the Exalt.
Sorry, I couldn't resist the inclusion of that corny line.
Pervalidus and I charged through the first season of VanDread on Wednesday night which basically wiped us out for Thursday. Yes, I know, VanDread is old, but it's still damn good. *silly grin* Thirteen episodes, what a blast.
I think that I'll watch the next thirteen by myself and then upload the VanDread OVA from a CD-R to HIMAWARI. Yes, I've named my portable hard disk, is that a problem? I have a name for the second one, too: HIKARI. Provided I can get it to work first. *laughs* Oh, and damn, looks like I'll have to re-download the Vandread OVA. My CD is fsk'd.

Yes, I'm a guy. No, I'm not a perv. I'm just a huge fan of Air Gear and love getting my dirty paws on Air Gear stuff. *grin*
It's apparently available for pre-order and costs a whopping 7,140 yen! Which is nearly SG$93. I think that I need to ask Micah where I can order it in Singapore, but I'm gonna need the ca$h first.
So, like I asked before, anyone have that much ca$h lying around to spare a poor broke otaku like me?
Gods, help me get my ca$h from the people that owe me! ARGH!!!
... To make my life even more annoyingly wierd, deviantART seems to be fsk'ing up on me. Bloody thing won't let me comment, fave or collect pieces and journals. Bloody hell... dA, what gives!? *long, undulating and rather loud sound of anguish and agony*
*coughs and composes myself* Ahem... so sorry about that. I do so hope that none of your eardrums burst and bled.
Though I believe part of me would so enjoy seeing some of you suffer that way. Haha.
Gotsta go now, see y'all.
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