I think not.
After all, there are thirteen year olds that are going at it like rabbits anyway.
But I digress. Moving on...
The last week has been rocky in the Department of Hearts. My over-submissiveness & clingy-ness and her attention-span & her dominance (which she's trying to scale back) combined with some mislaid communiques caused quite a bit of trouble for the both of us, to say the least. Schakatze and I had a talk about it yesterday, so things should be somewhat worked out. Now, to see whether my actions of the previous day bear fruit in any way.
I can only work towards making things better between us, provided that she works with me on it, of course. It takes two to make something like this work. *keeps his fingers crossed* I can but hope everything goes well while I work at it.
She's the first woman in my life who has actually reduced me to having stress headaches and sleeplessness if I haven't seen or heard from her in a while. Sickening much? And I do love the woman... I miss her even though I just saw her yesterday.
On the job front, I've started training with Starbucks. Yeap, I'm back to being a barista which is something I'd enjoyed before my trip to OZ and hopefully I'll continue to do so at Starbucks. However, unlike Spinelli's, I have some concrete goals for the job: (1) I'm aiming to be a Learning Coach [it's like an in-store, on-the-job trainer], however long it takes and (2) I'm going to attempt to convert to full-time once I get the hang of the job, which should be in two months.
Amazingly, my mom is willing to let me stay in this job.
Though my father is being a ******* about it and dropping snide remarks at almost every opportunity.
*suffering-filled sigh*
In other news, however...
I held the first proper weekly meeting for Project:CORE today at my place which was attended by Pervalidus, Ferret and Ghoul. Schakatze was absent 'coz of last minute duty at ViD as Joeb had fallen sick and someone had to fill the day shift since Ijad took over the night shift.
At least the Project is somewhat on track and will [hopefully] remain to be so in the future. Can't tell you what it's about yet, but it seems that it might be a pretty big deal. Wish us luck!
Oh, and before I forget, my older sister Christina in Oz finally added me on Facebook after getting an account. W00t! She is a true gem of a sister and I do miss her a helluva lot.

Gimme a break, ok, you oh-so Pure Ones, there is no ulterior and/or perverted reason behind me getting it, other than indulging my otaku tendencies and my need to own items that I like, alright!?
Where'd I get the ca$h for not one but TWO figurines? Hehehehehe, I'm so not telling. So, I'll leave it all to your imaginations.
Now that this is done, I'll leave you to watch a pretty cool video about the TF2 Scout class, who dresses like a baseball player and sounds like he's from Brooklyn or the Bronx. *laughs*
Resistance is Futile ver.1.5.1
Ver.1.5.1 Team Fortress 2 Scout
Well, now you guys and gals can go back to watching your oh-so wonderful porn. Or playing World of Warcraft.
Or whatever you feel is your cup of tea.
So much for short entries, eh?
And you're wondering what I'm up to now? How sweet of you. *sounds of vomitting in the background* Okay, perhaps a tad bit too sweet.
To set your minds at ease, I'm off to sleep for some much deserved sleep.
G'night, y'all, enjoy your dreams.
While they last.