... which is really much ado about nothing, my darling readers.
Or quite possibly the influence of Genshiken on my psyche and demeanor.
You can trust my word on that. Well, perhaps not. I'm probably lying, in fact. Most likely, old beans, considering that if it was truly nothing, I wouldn't be typing this out, non? Correct, chaps? Yes, I am, thank you most kindly. Though I do expect some of you might actually argue that point. I'm truly sorry, my dears, but the world does indeed revolve around my very being. But I digress. Onwards to the very meat of this, for lack of better terms, horrid tale. And make mine medium rare, garçon. Come now, my good man, snap to it. Chop, chop and all that rot.
However, before we go any further, a quick DISCLAIMER: The following narrative is the product of an eccentric life and a rather twisted, convoluted memory cortex which is, by right, not suitable for the soft cerebral matter of the young and inexperienced. Though that wouldn't stop any of you, now would it?
>>>>>(Disclaimers are for pussies! Seriously, dude, who cares!?)<<<<<
- Pervalidus (21:54:07/02-28-08)
>>>>>(Whatever, mate, WHATEVER.)<<<<<
- KAZEone (21:57:42/02-28-08)
Moving on...
Exalted. Such a generic setting with somewhat convoluted rules and a d10 system. So typical of most White Wolf games. However, it's a fantasy setting without the inherent darkness inherent, unlike the rest of its many other game series, and all the aspects that I'd expect from a Dream Pod 9 game. In fact, I believe that some of the artists from DP9 have their works present in the First Edition rulebook. And yet again, I digress, but like such a clinically critical nerd. Not that I have anything against nerds, of course. Or do I? Hmmm... that deserves some thought. But it can wait, of course. Onwards and downwards, good fellows, no rest for the wicked - though that is debatable.
>>>>>(That, my dear friend, for some strange reason, sounded deliciously wrong. Le grin.)<<<<<
- Nhemz (21:57:42/02-28-08)
The campaign that li'l ol' me is running has become something of a monster, if I do say so myself. At least, it's not of Godzilla proportions and stomping through the Imperial City. Yet.
Suffice to say that from a pair of players, Schakatze & Pervalidus, the group has grown to sufficient size to give me migraines for as long as I live. I jest, of course, so do not take me too seriously. After all, my good people, this whole thing was started for a lark, pure and simple. It still is, but on a larger scale. And like I was saying before, the pair has grown into a circle: Scha, Perv, Ferret-V, Nezrael, Ghoul and Raliel. A full Solar Circle. I'm amazed. Unfortunately, the most experienced RPGer of the lot probably won't be able to make it for the Sunday sessions. Or is that fortunately? Look, even the StoryTeller wants to win sometimes, alright? Fine, thank you, you don't have to keep your opinions to yourself. Go ahead let it all out. May I continue now? Thank you most kindly then.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes...
A full Solar Circle, with one from each Caste, too. I am sorely tempted to create alternate doubles of them, in the form of wonderfully delicious Abyssals and use them as the end-arc bosses. Speaking of which, does anyone have the first and/or second edition PDF files for the Abyssal Exalted? Please be wonderfully reliable ol' bricks and let me know. Thank you, my dears.
And having the ability to create vast host of characters for the circle to interact with is fun, though mentally exhausting. The Laughing Masks, the Junkers, the Night Masks (sorry, Wizard, I ripped you off. Go suck on a lemon, why don't you lot?), the crew of the Vengeance Ascendant, the Wood Elemental [aka the 120 foot tall Treefolk], a random wandering Twilight Solar, the Wyld Hunt and God - or Allah or Buddha or whatever else that you sorry lot call your Chosen One in the Sky - alone knows how many others. You would think that someone's cranial cavity would burst with the sheer weight of information, wouldn't you? I'm sorry to disappoint, you young boys, girls and what-have-yous, but there is an invention called the pen and paper. And, yes, in my hands, a pen is a deadly weapon. Watch out for your eyes, mateys, there might be a pen coming soon towards an ocular socket near you.
Add to that the sheer comedy that the circle is capable of, well, suffice to say that it is sidesplittingly, cerebral-putrefyingly funny. Hilarious, even. For example, and just for example mind you, is Ferret's character: nicknamed the "Wet Sack" due to the method of his introduction to the game, he is now permanently known as that throughout the game. There are so many other things that can be said, but they would be better explained by the players themselves. Like the bath-house scene. That, I must say, was one of my very best works. Scha and Perv will never forget it. I hope.
And with the musically inclined, we have discovered that Nightwish's latest album "Dark Passion Play" is indeed most excellent for the game. So much so, that Scha has dubbed the campaign EXALTED: Dark Passion Play. She even has cinematics in mind for an anime opening for the campaign, and it honestly sounds rather good. Too bad that we don't have the resources or the skills to actually produce it, but one day we will. One day, you mark my words.
Oh, and I do believe that the opening score for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is rather good for an intro to Thorns, the conquered city and created Shadowland of the Deathlord Mask of Winters. Rather chillingly close to the actual feel of the city.
Six Solar Exalted, one current main quest (and quite a few side quests, might I add), a shipful of colourful characters, a slew of other characters, loads of tongue-in-cheek & some lameness, a wonderful score plus numerous other twists & plots do, in fact, equal a rather crazily fun game with much inherent humour.
Oh, and Athletics & Awareness for the win, as you quaint online gamers like to exclaim.
EXALTED: Dark Passion Play. For the hilarity and sheer fun of it all.
And, yes, the world indeed does not revolve around me. The universe does.
Haha, had you all going for a minute there, didn't I?
Well, now, off with you lot of ragamuffins. I'd like to enjoy my steak in peace, you know.
A good night to you all, then, go on now.
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