I really did. Saw a fiery streak cross the clear night sky on the way back from the station around midnight. The sight of such clear sky is truly amazing, and absolutely gorgeous to behold. *dreamy sigh* The child within keeps chanting "I saw a shooting star, I saw a shooting star!" over and over again. Now, please keep in mind that I have NEVER seen one before in my life and that I've only read about them, therefore dismissing any thought of one to the darkest realms of myth and jaded disbelief; so, thus my sheer delight in seeing one. Hopefully it also signifies that my run of luck will get better. I hope.
Yet, then again, it's a thing that flies across the heavens, possibly either burning out, crashing to the surface of some remote planet or flaming out in the atmospheric entry of a planetoid, so why do we annotate a change of luck or the granting of wishes to such a phenomenon? Superstitions so ingrained into our psyches that even when faced with the cold, hard, banal facts, we hope for the even the most remote flights of fantasy to be true or believe to be true. *shrug* How hopeless is humanity? How hopelessly optimistic? Or are we just unrealistic, hoping that everything works out for the best?
Going back to the subject of stars, I think and believe that I'll always have stars incorporated into my tattooes. And yet, I've not dreamed of being an astronaut, not even once. I guess that I'm just in awe of them, and maybe, just maybe, somewhere deep down inside my spiritual self, I still believe the old myths and stories about the stars.
And I really need to find out where I can watch the movie Stardust here, and soon. Before it ends its run here, that is. Hopefully I can rope some people into watching it with me when I find it.
Wish me luck...
... especially when you see a shooting star.
*Cheshire grin*

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