It is.
Trust me.
And it's ingrained in every single person who calls himself a Writer. It's always there, making you aware of its presence everywhere you go, making you evaluate spots for the placement of your piece, and turning your mind around the analyzation of the risks involved in getting into a spot, painting it & getting out, among so many other what I can only call the symptoms of an addiction. Grafitti and all associated street art, at its most base essence, now more than ever, is a way of life and an addiction that you just can't get out of your system, no matter how hard you try. Trust me, I should know.
And in other news...
Oh. Mein. Gott. I woke up today with such bloody aching legs, I was surprised that I could even trudge about, let alone walk! And why were my legs aching, you ask? Weeell...
... I spent the whole of Monday afternoon gallivanting around Blacktown, Central, Newtown and Wynyard, barring the two-three hours spent on the trains or waiting for a train.
What was I doing in all these places? Quite simple, here's a quick summary: Blacktown for texters [colour markers for fil], Central for TAFE course information [which, annoying enough, they told me could be found on the 'net], Newtown for the Five Six Seven graffiti store and Wynyard for some wandering PLUS meeting my friend after she finished work.
Unfortunately for me, things went a tad bit pear-shaped; she left work and kind of forgot about me, and I lost my usually unerring sense of direction and couldn't find my way to the station. When I finally got to Wynyard station, I'd just missed my train and had to settle for one that terminated at Blacktown. Thank God for my big sis Christine, or I'd been stuck waiting alone on the platform at Blacktown for the train to Richmond for 30+ minutes. She told me to go to Rooty Hill and that she and her husband would pick me up & send me home. PHEW! What a relief!!
Highlight of the day: finding the Five Six Seven graffiti store in Newtown. It has the widest range of graffiti related gear, including PAINT, that I've ever seen in my LIFE! >>Yeah, yeah, I'm a GHETTO WRITER, very underground, very unexposed, very miserable.<< Even got myself a pair of OTR markers, too. I'm gonna go back on Friday, hopefully. And I have loads of photos of the street art along Kings Road, Newtown. And even a shot of their WWI memorial, without any graffiti thrown on it, thank the Gods. I'll be trying to post up the photos at a later date.
Speaking of graffiti, I so wanna get this new line of paint that's coming out sometime soon: Plutonium G. And I'm putting up the review that "the bombshelter" did on the new product. Check it.
Low point of the day: Not getting lost in Wynyard or even missing my friend, but getting chewed out over the phone by my aunt for some things that weren't even my fault or didn't happen the way they were reported to her. Was seriously pissed by that but I'm over it. And some peeps wonder why I feel paranoid around people. YEESH!
And on the artwork front, I've managed to knockdown my HUGE debt list down to only one piece remaining to complete. Good thing is that it's already half way done, Bad thing is that I might wanna redo it. And here's the second from the last piece, an illustration kiriban, in a somewhat vector-ish style, for the ever so lovely Miss April.
Anyways, I have to feed the dogs and go over to my neighbours' for dinner. PIZZA dinner. Oh, and guys back home in Singapore, a large Pizza Hut pizza is only A$9.95. CHEW ON THAT!
As a sidenote, I've just realised that I didn't post anything about my 25th birthday in October... the feth!? What a loss... NOT!