... the doctor said to me, "You have gastroentitis."
Bloody hell.
I'm sick, down with some sort of viral infection of gastronomic proportions. FREAK.
And I'm still busy with projects. At least, the comp has been fixed by my uncle, at least nominally. So I do not have to fear the lack of 'net access for a li'l while longer. *phew* But, so little time left to meet deadlines.
And speaking of deadlines...
... my uncle's dog Dino - male Bichon Frise & Maltese Terrier mix - was put to sleep on the 9th of December at the age of 13, due to cancer. At least now his sufferng is over and he's resting somewhere up in the heavens.
Depression reigns supreme.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
>>> The search for Appreciation...
... is much like the comic strip below.

I crave appreciation of what I work on, just for one little shred of a good word that will make all the work and effort worth it. Just for that small morsel of praise that, in all probability, will leave the artist in the throes of orgasm from sheer aural delight at having heard his/her work receive such accolades, as tiny as it may be.
Do we all, as humans and not just artists, not crave acceptance, attention, appreciation, appraisal and praise?

I crave appreciation of what I work on, just for one little shred of a good word that will make all the work and effort worth it. Just for that small morsel of praise that, in all probability, will leave the artist in the throes of orgasm from sheer aural delight at having heard his/her work receive such accolades, as tiny as it may be.
Do we all, as humans and not just artists, not crave acceptance, attention, appreciation, appraisal and praise?
>>> From a party...
... to the dog hospital. WTF!?
The weekend was crazy. Here's a short listed summary.
1. Managed to get Uncle Val to pick up the dogs for an overnight stay and drop me off at Blacktown.
2. Hopped a train up to Parramatta and had to grab an express shuttle bus to Strathfield due to track work. And waited at Strathfield for almost an hour for a train down to Concord West. Uncle Glen picked me up real quick. LOL.
3. Helped set up for 'Chelle's party and stuff.
4. Met 'Chelle's boy whose name I really can't spell [and if you're reading this, 'Chelle, I'm sorry!]. And gave 'Chelle the piece that I'd done for her as a birthday prezzie along with another small sketch. Thank God she liked them! *PHEW*
5. Met so many people at the party, lotsa cool peeps like Allison, Jude, 'Chelle's DJ cousin, Sarah and a coupla other peeps whose names I've apparently forgotten [my apologies!!]! It was a happening party. And unfortunately, I broke my spell of non-smoking days on its 20th day. :(
6. Was dropped off the next day [Allison drove] and Yogi Chitti was back from her 6 week hols with loads of complaints. Walked Pebbles when Yogi Chitti and Uncle Babu took Dino to the Emergency 24hr Vet 'coz he's dead sick. Called Christine Akka to vent [thank God that I have her as a sister!].
7. Uncle Val, Aunt Doreen, Christine Akka and her husband - whose name I can't spell as well, omg - came over for dinner. It was pretty good having more people at home again. :)
Which brings us to today. I hope to God I get that hundred and thirty from Yogi Chitti or I can't get those Osiris Abel Creations sneakers! Especially since I already put a down-payment for them.
In other news...
I've been asked to put any freehanded design of mine on a plate. Why? For a Crafts Showcase that'll be on sometime early next year. Which is pretty cool, all things told. And I already have a coupla ideas in mind, too. Now to see wether I can put it all together.
And less than three weeks left to put that calendar illustration together. Better get cracking, yeah. But just to sidetrack a teeny bit...
The movie Dogma, starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Chris Rock, Salma Hayek, Alanis Morisette [as God Herself!], that guy who plays Severus Snape, Jay and Silent Bob, is a bloody freaking riot of laughter! I highly recommend it. Go rent it, seriously.
And I've found my favourite tracks to listen to while I ride my 'board. AND I have a new found love for snowboarding and have decided that I will get into it if and when I come to Australia to study, come hell or bloody avalanche. HELLOOOOOO, PERISHER!!! Hahahaha!!! And for those who don't know, Perisher is one of the mountains up in the so-called Snowy Mountains range.
And it's pretty cool that I've managed to persuade Schakatze to join me when I do start it up. Now all I have to do is get Candyman and Pervalidus to jump in on the education plus snowboarding deal... hmmm, will I be able to CONvince them? Time will tell, ladies and gents, time will tell.
And for your listening pleasure, the two tracks that will blast my ears out while I board down the street or down the mountain slope! LOL.
Oh, and did you know that they now have helmets with built-in headphones? Cool, neh?
Gotsta go, see y'all!
What a rushed and rubbishy post. Feh.
The weekend was crazy. Here's a short listed summary.
1. Managed to get Uncle Val to pick up the dogs for an overnight stay and drop me off at Blacktown.
2. Hopped a train up to Parramatta and had to grab an express shuttle bus to Strathfield due to track work. And waited at Strathfield for almost an hour for a train down to Concord West. Uncle Glen picked me up real quick. LOL.
3. Helped set up for 'Chelle's party and stuff.
4. Met 'Chelle's boy whose name I really can't spell [and if you're reading this, 'Chelle, I'm sorry!]. And gave 'Chelle the piece that I'd done for her as a birthday prezzie along with another small sketch. Thank God she liked them! *PHEW*
5. Met so many people at the party, lotsa cool peeps like Allison, Jude, 'Chelle's DJ cousin, Sarah and a coupla other peeps whose names I've apparently forgotten [my apologies!!]! It was a happening party. And unfortunately, I broke my spell of non-smoking days on its 20th day. :(
6. Was dropped off the next day [Allison drove] and Yogi Chitti was back from her 6 week hols with loads of complaints. Walked Pebbles when Yogi Chitti and Uncle Babu took Dino to the Emergency 24hr Vet 'coz he's dead sick. Called Christine Akka to vent [thank God that I have her as a sister!].
7. Uncle Val, Aunt Doreen, Christine Akka and her husband - whose name I can't spell as well, omg - came over for dinner. It was pretty good having more people at home again. :)
Which brings us to today. I hope to God I get that hundred and thirty from Yogi Chitti or I can't get those Osiris Abel Creations sneakers! Especially since I already put a down-payment for them.
In other news...
I've been asked to put any freehanded design of mine on a plate. Why? For a Crafts Showcase that'll be on sometime early next year. Which is pretty cool, all things told. And I already have a coupla ideas in mind, too. Now to see wether I can put it all together.
And less than three weeks left to put that calendar illustration together. Better get cracking, yeah. But just to sidetrack a teeny bit...
The movie Dogma, starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Chris Rock, Salma Hayek, Alanis Morisette [as God Herself!], that guy who plays Severus Snape, Jay and Silent Bob, is a bloody freaking riot of laughter! I highly recommend it. Go rent it, seriously.
And I've found my favourite tracks to listen to while I ride my 'board. AND I have a new found love for snowboarding and have decided that I will get into it if and when I come to Australia to study, come hell or bloody avalanche. HELLOOOOOO, PERISHER!!! Hahahaha!!! And for those who don't know, Perisher is one of the mountains up in the so-called Snowy Mountains range.
And it's pretty cool that I've managed to persuade Schakatze to join me when I do start it up. Now all I have to do is get Candyman and Pervalidus to jump in on the education plus snowboarding deal... hmmm, will I be able to CONvince them? Time will tell, ladies and gents, time will tell.
And for your listening pleasure, the two tracks that will blast my ears out while I board down the street or down the mountain slope! LOL.
Placebo : Infra-red
Boom Boom Satellites : Underdog
Oh, and did you know that they now have helmets with built-in headphones? Cool, neh?
Gotsta go, see y'all!
What a rushed and rubbishy post. Feh.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
>>> Graffiti and the street...
... is so ingrained into the system of any Writer.
It is.
Trust me.
And it's ingrained in every single person who calls himself a Writer. It's always there, making you aware of its presence everywhere you go, making you evaluate spots for the placement of your piece, and turning your mind around the analyzation of the risks involved in getting into a spot, painting it & getting out, among so many other what I can only call the symptoms of an addiction. Grafitti and all associated street art, at its most base essence, now more than ever, is a way of life and an addiction that you just can't get out of your system, no matter how hard you try. Trust me, I should know.
And in other news...
Oh. Mein. Gott. I woke up today with such bloody aching legs, I was surprised that I could even trudge about, let alone walk! And why were my legs aching, you ask? Weeell...
... I spent the whole of Monday afternoon gallivanting around Blacktown, Central, Newtown and Wynyard, barring the two-three hours spent on the trains or waiting for a train.
What was I doing in all these places? Quite simple, here's a quick summary: Blacktown for texters [colour markers for fil], Central for TAFE course information [which, annoying enough, they told me could be found on the 'net], Newtown for the Five Six Seven graffiti store and Wynyard for some wandering PLUS meeting my friend after she finished work.
Unfortunately for me, things went a tad bit pear-shaped; she left work and kind of forgot about me, and I lost my usually unerring sense of direction and couldn't find my way to the station. When I finally got to Wynyard station, I'd just missed my train and had to settle for one that terminated at Blacktown. Thank God for my big sis Christine, or I'd been stuck waiting alone on the platform at Blacktown for the train to Richmond for 30+ minutes. She told me to go to Rooty Hill and that she and her husband would pick me up & send me home. PHEW! What a relief!!
Highlight of the day: finding the Five Six Seven graffiti store in Newtown. It has the widest range of graffiti related gear, including PAINT, that I've ever seen in my LIFE! >>Yeah, yeah, I'm a GHETTO WRITER, very underground, very unexposed, very miserable.<< Even got myself a pair of OTR markers, too. I'm gonna go back on Friday, hopefully. And I have loads of photos of the street art along Kings Road, Newtown. And even a shot of their WWI memorial, without any graffiti thrown on it, thank the Gods. I'll be trying to post up the photos at a later date.
Speaking of graffiti, I so wanna get this new line of paint that's coming out sometime soon: Plutonium G. And I'm putting up the review that "the bombshelter" did on the new product. Check it.
Low point of the day: Not getting lost in Wynyard or even missing my friend, but getting chewed out over the phone by my aunt for some things that weren't even my fault or didn't happen the way they were reported to her. Was seriously pissed by that but I'm over it. And some peeps wonder why I feel paranoid around people. YEESH!
And on the artwork front, I've managed to knockdown my HUGE debt list down to only one piece remaining to complete. Good thing is that it's already half way done, Bad thing is that I might wanna redo it. And here's the second from the last piece, an illustration kiriban, in a somewhat vector-ish style, for the ever so lovely Miss April.

Anyways, I have to feed the dogs and go over to my neighbours' for dinner. PIZZA dinner. Oh, and guys back home in Singapore, a large Pizza Hut pizza is only A$9.95. CHEW ON THAT!
As a sidenote, I've just realised that I didn't post anything about my 25th birthday in October... the feth!? What a loss... NOT!
It is.
Trust me.
And it's ingrained in every single person who calls himself a Writer. It's always there, making you aware of its presence everywhere you go, making you evaluate spots for the placement of your piece, and turning your mind around the analyzation of the risks involved in getting into a spot, painting it & getting out, among so many other what I can only call the symptoms of an addiction. Grafitti and all associated street art, at its most base essence, now more than ever, is a way of life and an addiction that you just can't get out of your system, no matter how hard you try. Trust me, I should know.
And in other news...
Oh. Mein. Gott. I woke up today with such bloody aching legs, I was surprised that I could even trudge about, let alone walk! And why were my legs aching, you ask? Weeell...
... I spent the whole of Monday afternoon gallivanting around Blacktown, Central, Newtown and Wynyard, barring the two-three hours spent on the trains or waiting for a train.
What was I doing in all these places? Quite simple, here's a quick summary: Blacktown for texters [colour markers for fil], Central for TAFE course information [which, annoying enough, they told me could be found on the 'net], Newtown for the Five Six Seven graffiti store and Wynyard for some wandering PLUS meeting my friend after she finished work.
Unfortunately for me, things went a tad bit pear-shaped; she left work and kind of forgot about me, and I lost my usually unerring sense of direction and couldn't find my way to the station. When I finally got to Wynyard station, I'd just missed my train and had to settle for one that terminated at Blacktown. Thank God for my big sis Christine, or I'd been stuck waiting alone on the platform at Blacktown for the train to Richmond for 30+ minutes. She told me to go to Rooty Hill and that she and her husband would pick me up & send me home. PHEW! What a relief!!
Highlight of the day: finding the Five Six Seven graffiti store in Newtown. It has the widest range of graffiti related gear, including PAINT, that I've ever seen in my LIFE! >>Yeah, yeah, I'm a GHETTO WRITER, very underground, very unexposed, very miserable.<< Even got myself a pair of OTR markers, too. I'm gonna go back on Friday, hopefully. And I have loads of photos of the street art along Kings Road, Newtown. And even a shot of their WWI memorial, without any graffiti thrown on it, thank the Gods. I'll be trying to post up the photos at a later date.
Speaking of graffiti, I so wanna get this new line of paint that's coming out sometime soon: Plutonium G. And I'm putting up the review that "the bombshelter" did on the new product. Check it.
Low point of the day: Not getting lost in Wynyard or even missing my friend, but getting chewed out over the phone by my aunt for some things that weren't even my fault or didn't happen the way they were reported to her. Was seriously pissed by that but I'm over it. And some peeps wonder why I feel paranoid around people. YEESH!
And on the artwork front, I've managed to knockdown my HUGE debt list down to only one piece remaining to complete. Good thing is that it's already half way done, Bad thing is that I might wanna redo it. And here's the second from the last piece, an illustration kiriban, in a somewhat vector-ish style, for the ever so lovely Miss April.
Anyways, I have to feed the dogs and go over to my neighbours' for dinner. PIZZA dinner. Oh, and guys back home in Singapore, a large Pizza Hut pizza is only A$9.95. CHEW ON THAT!
As a sidenote, I've just realised that I didn't post anything about my 25th birthday in October... the feth!? What a loss... NOT!

Sunday, November 18, 2007
>>> W07z t3h 4-11...
... and what's up with me and Leetspeak anyway?
For those who have no idea what Leetspeak is, just click here. And for Christ's sake, if you don't know what Leetspeak is, where the hell have you been, living under a boulder!? Anyways, I'm digressing...
Well, the last few days have been pretty cool. Here's a short recount:
Thursday, 15th Nov
Aunt Doreen took me for crafts where I was able to show-off my sketchbook and Sandra picked one of the designs from there for me to transfer and paint on to a plate. Aunt Doereen's crafts clique is pretty cool, even if they're all pretty old. Look out for a pic of that sometime in late November, early December. I know that my friend Z3r0 will like it. *grin*
Friday, 16th Nov
Took a trip down to Blacktown again. Settled some banking for my aunt Yogi, bought Staedler colour inkliners [W00T!] and Faber-Castell colour pencils [double W00T!], and got a new 3-liter bottle of milk. Which I actually regretted buying 'coz I had to lug the damn thing back home and it weighed down my bag. *sigh* What a killer weight, and it's a 30 to 45 minute walk/hike back to the crib. Spent the evening and had dinner at Aunt Jean's, had a beer, lovely pasta and banana pancakes with ice-cream... *licks lips* truly delicious and Aunt Jean is a fantastic cook, I swear. Had a lovely evening with her, Uncle Brian and Mr Drew. Oh, and I finished about four pieces on Friday, which can be viewed at deviantART site, if you're interested.
Saturday, 17th Nov
Highlight of the day: taking the dogs out for a walk to the Farnham Shopping Arcade. They were so tuckered out that they pretty much left me alone for the rest of the day. I was pretty wasted, too, so much so that I dozed off on the couch and missed my big sis' phone calls, which meant that missed going over to her crib. BLEAH.
Sunday, 18th Nov
My big sis & her husband picked me up and we went to go do some shopping at West Point in Blacktown. She bought the Kanye West GRADUATION album for me! As well as a large Super Supreme pizza from Pizza Hut, which only cost A$9.95, can you believe that!? They dropped me off at home and Uncle Sarathi came over with Aunt Jenn and gave me lunch: prata with damn good chicken curry! WHOOHOO!!! I feel ever so spoiled. Hahahaha!!! And wonders of wonders, I had a three hour nap in the dregs of the afternoon and woke up around nine... which was just in time to watch Miami Ink.
Well, that's the last four days in a nut shell.
And I'm looking for people in Sydney to watch Stardust with as well as a whole posse to go watch the movie Hitman that hits Oz on the 6th of December? Any takers!?
C'mon, it'll be great! Action ,adventure, intrigue, romance and all sorts of mad fun... and that's just in the seatings, imagine the movie! LOL. I jest about the seats deal, but c'mon, this movie promises to be awesome, and I need some mates to enjoy the awesomeness with me!!!
Okay, I'm off to sleep so I'll leave you with a really hilarious animated 'short' from the Looking For Group webcomic creator and his team...
For those who have no idea what Leetspeak is, just click here. And for Christ's sake, if you don't know what Leetspeak is, where the hell have you been, living under a boulder!? Anyways, I'm digressing...
Well, the last few days have been pretty cool. Here's a short recount:
Thursday, 15th Nov
Aunt Doreen took me for crafts where I was able to show-off my sketchbook and Sandra picked one of the designs from there for me to transfer and paint on to a plate. Aunt Doereen's crafts clique is pretty cool, even if they're all pretty old. Look out for a pic of that sometime in late November, early December. I know that my friend Z3r0 will like it. *grin*
Friday, 16th Nov
Took a trip down to Blacktown again. Settled some banking for my aunt Yogi, bought Staedler colour inkliners [W00T!] and Faber-Castell colour pencils [double W00T!], and got a new 3-liter bottle of milk. Which I actually regretted buying 'coz I had to lug the damn thing back home and it weighed down my bag. *sigh* What a killer weight, and it's a 30 to 45 minute walk/hike back to the crib. Spent the evening and had dinner at Aunt Jean's, had a beer, lovely pasta and banana pancakes with ice-cream... *licks lips* truly delicious and Aunt Jean is a fantastic cook, I swear. Had a lovely evening with her, Uncle Brian and Mr Drew. Oh, and I finished about four pieces on Friday, which can be viewed at deviantART site, if you're interested.
Saturday, 17th Nov
Highlight of the day: taking the dogs out for a walk to the Farnham Shopping Arcade. They were so tuckered out that they pretty much left me alone for the rest of the day. I was pretty wasted, too, so much so that I dozed off on the couch and missed my big sis' phone calls, which meant that missed going over to her crib. BLEAH.
Sunday, 18th Nov
My big sis & her husband picked me up and we went to go do some shopping at West Point in Blacktown. She bought the Kanye West GRADUATION album for me! As well as a large Super Supreme pizza from Pizza Hut, which only cost A$9.95, can you believe that!? They dropped me off at home and Uncle Sarathi came over with Aunt Jenn and gave me lunch: prata with damn good chicken curry! WHOOHOO!!! I feel ever so spoiled. Hahahaha!!! And wonders of wonders, I had a three hour nap in the dregs of the afternoon and woke up around nine... which was just in time to watch Miami Ink.
Well, that's the last four days in a nut shell.
And I'm looking for people in Sydney to watch Stardust with as well as a whole posse to go watch the movie Hitman that hits Oz on the 6th of December? Any takers!?
C'mon, it'll be great! Action ,adventure, intrigue, romance and all sorts of mad fun... and that's just in the seatings, imagine the movie! LOL. I jest about the seats deal, but c'mon, this movie promises to be awesome, and I need some mates to enjoy the awesomeness with me!!!
Okay, I'm off to sleep so I'll leave you with a really hilarious animated 'short' from the Looking For Group webcomic creator and his team...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
>>> Who says that...
... terrorists can't have a good sense of humour?
"Ladies and gentlemen, Achmed the Terrorist... who'd toss a penny between two Jews and watch them fight to the death over it, or do the same to a pair of Catholic priests except that it'd be a young boy instead of a penny. And the winner of THAT bout would have to fight the one and only MJ!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, Achmed the Terrorist... who'd toss a penny between two Jews and watch them fight to the death over it, or do the same to a pair of Catholic priests except that it'd be a young boy instead of a penny. And the winner of THAT bout would have to fight the one and only MJ!"

Monday, November 12, 2007
>>> I wished...
... upon a falling star.
I really did. Saw a fiery streak cross the clear night sky on the way back from the station around midnight. The sight of such clear sky is truly amazing, and absolutely gorgeous to behold. *dreamy sigh* The child within keeps chanting "I saw a shooting star, I saw a shooting star!" over and over again. Now, please keep in mind that I have NEVER seen one before in my life and that I've only read about them, therefore dismissing any thought of one to the darkest realms of myth and jaded disbelief; so, thus my sheer delight in seeing one. Hopefully it also signifies that my run of luck will get better. I hope.
Yet, then again, it's a thing that flies across the heavens, possibly either burning out, crashing to the surface of some remote planet or flaming out in the atmospheric entry of a planetoid, so why do we annotate a change of luck or the granting of wishes to such a phenomenon? Superstitions so ingrained into our psyches that even when faced with the cold, hard, banal facts, we hope for the even the most remote flights of fantasy to be true or believe to be true. *shrug* How hopeless is humanity? How hopelessly optimistic? Or are we just unrealistic, hoping that everything works out for the best?
Going back to the subject of stars, I think and believe that I'll always have stars incorporated into my tattooes. And yet, I've not dreamed of being an astronaut, not even once. I guess that I'm just in awe of them, and maybe, just maybe, somewhere deep down inside my spiritual self, I still believe the old myths and stories about the stars.
And I really need to find out where I can watch the movie Stardust here, and soon. Before it ends its run here, that is. Hopefully I can rope some people into watching it with me when I find it.
Wish me luck...
... especially when you see a shooting star.
*Cheshire grin*
I really did. Saw a fiery streak cross the clear night sky on the way back from the station around midnight. The sight of such clear sky is truly amazing, and absolutely gorgeous to behold. *dreamy sigh* The child within keeps chanting "I saw a shooting star, I saw a shooting star!" over and over again. Now, please keep in mind that I have NEVER seen one before in my life and that I've only read about them, therefore dismissing any thought of one to the darkest realms of myth and jaded disbelief; so, thus my sheer delight in seeing one. Hopefully it also signifies that my run of luck will get better. I hope.
Yet, then again, it's a thing that flies across the heavens, possibly either burning out, crashing to the surface of some remote planet or flaming out in the atmospheric entry of a planetoid, so why do we annotate a change of luck or the granting of wishes to such a phenomenon? Superstitions so ingrained into our psyches that even when faced with the cold, hard, banal facts, we hope for the even the most remote flights of fantasy to be true or believe to be true. *shrug* How hopeless is humanity? How hopelessly optimistic? Or are we just unrealistic, hoping that everything works out for the best?
Going back to the subject of stars, I think and believe that I'll always have stars incorporated into my tattooes. And yet, I've not dreamed of being an astronaut, not even once. I guess that I'm just in awe of them, and maybe, just maybe, somewhere deep down inside my spiritual self, I still believe the old myths and stories about the stars.
And I really need to find out where I can watch the movie Stardust here, and soon. Before it ends its run here, that is. Hopefully I can rope some people into watching it with me when I find it.
Wish me luck...
... especially when you see a shooting star.
*Cheshire grin*

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
>>> It's Summer...
... so why is it so freaking cold!?
Bleah. It's been raining off and on for the last few days, and will continue to do so until the end of the week. Which basically means that I've been pretty much cooped up at home in Quakers Hill for AGES! Ok, well, not really for ages, but you kinda get the picture.
And it doesn't help in the entertainment department that the comp at home here is on the fethin' fritz: BSOD at the oddest times for starters! Not to mention the recurrence of Firefox Failure [F3] which pretty much screws up my entire surfing pleasures. Cripes. But it's all good, I have other things to do, too.
Like what, you may ask? Well, if you mosey down to my dA Site, you'll see that I've been rather productive in the art field. LOL. For example, have a look at what I did to my one of my best buds' headphones which he loaned me, which is also displayed in my dA gallery. *grin* [Yes, yes, shameless self-plugging, no matter how wrong that sounds!]
Speaking of art, how's about some body art? Namely tattooes! Yes, I've been watching way too many episodes of Miami Ink on cable [Discovery Travel!?], and I now really want to get a tattoo to commemorate my SOLO trip to Sydney [Australia]. But I have no idea what to get done, especially with my limited budget. However, I do know where I might like to get it done: either my right lower forearm on the underside OR on on the left side of my left lower leg. Decisions, decisions. *sigh* Any suggestions, mes ami? Oh, and I finally got a picture of my first tattoo [before the Über fade!], let me put it up here...

... Maybe I should use the fan/gift art of the Smoking Girl that my friend Marjak had sketched up for me as a tattoo on my left lower leg. With perhaps the addition of the Silent Strider glyph as a bottom/base and maybe the southern cross arrangement of stars trailing downwards from the glyph's underside? *chuckles* Seems like I already have the idea, now to find out how much it will cost me! I think I'm going to have to ask LOIDZ, who works down at Manly in a tattoo parlour. I can but hope and pray that he can help me out. *prays fervently*
Thank god for cable television! Thanks to it, I've watched more movies in the last few weeks than I've ever watched in the last THREE years! Seriously. I've even watched movies that I wasn't able to watch in the theaters or on disc or off downloads. Movies like The Siege, Up Periscope, Night Watch and so many more that it's almost like a blur. Wow~...
And Christine Akka is so nice and everything, it really does feel like we've known each other for ages even though I met her for the very first time in my life. And to explain, she's my mother's "adopted" daughter. Who doesn't want a fun-loving, willing-to-spoil-and-indulge-the-younger-brother elder sister, huh? I mean, seriously, who wouldn't? Ok, mebbe I'm the only one, but after being the older brother for so long... well, it's nice to be the younger one for once. *happy sigh* And she lets me hang out at her house, allowing me almost free rein. Not to mention that there's a skate park pretty close by, so it's all good! I LOVE MY SISTER!!! *grin* And not in an incestuous way, get your minds outta the gutters, dammit!
And speaking of sisters... I'm finally chatting with Caity again. *another happy sigh* I've missed her terribly, she's one of my favourite younger sisters. And also a tattoo nutter like myself... we love 'em! Unfortunately for me, she has more tatts than me at the moment. Something I hope to rectify sooner or later. HAHA!!
I have no idea how right this is, but I kinda just did it for fun after nicking it off of Shaun's blog...
Anyways, gotta jet, I'll see y'all around!
Bleah. It's been raining off and on for the last few days, and will continue to do so until the end of the week. Which basically means that I've been pretty much cooped up at home in Quakers Hill for AGES! Ok, well, not really for ages, but you kinda get the picture.
And it doesn't help in the entertainment department that the comp at home here is on the fethin' fritz: BSOD at the oddest times for starters! Not to mention the recurrence of Firefox Failure [F3] which pretty much screws up my entire surfing pleasures. Cripes. But it's all good, I have other things to do, too.
Like what, you may ask? Well, if you mosey down to my dA Site, you'll see that I've been rather productive in the art field. LOL. For example, have a look at what I did to my one of my best buds' headphones which he loaned me, which is also displayed in my dA gallery. *grin* [Yes, yes, shameless self-plugging, no matter how wrong that sounds!]
Speaking of art, how's about some body art? Namely tattooes! Yes, I've been watching way too many episodes of Miami Ink on cable [Discovery Travel!?], and I now really want to get a tattoo to commemorate my SOLO trip to Sydney [Australia]. But I have no idea what to get done, especially with my limited budget. However, I do know where I might like to get it done: either my right lower forearm on the underside OR on on the left side of my left lower leg. Decisions, decisions. *sigh* Any suggestions, mes ami? Oh, and I finally got a picture of my first tattoo [before the Über fade!], let me put it up here...
... Maybe I should use the fan/gift art of the Smoking Girl that my friend Marjak had sketched up for me as a tattoo on my left lower leg. With perhaps the addition of the Silent Strider glyph as a bottom/base and maybe the southern cross arrangement of stars trailing downwards from the glyph's underside? *chuckles* Seems like I already have the idea, now to find out how much it will cost me! I think I'm going to have to ask LOIDZ, who works down at Manly in a tattoo parlour. I can but hope and pray that he can help me out. *prays fervently*
Thank god for cable television! Thanks to it, I've watched more movies in the last few weeks than I've ever watched in the last THREE years! Seriously. I've even watched movies that I wasn't able to watch in the theaters or on disc or off downloads. Movies like The Siege, Up Periscope, Night Watch and so many more that it's almost like a blur. Wow~...
And Christine Akka is so nice and everything, it really does feel like we've known each other for ages even though I met her for the very first time in my life. And to explain, she's my mother's "adopted" daughter. Who doesn't want a fun-loving, willing-to-spoil-and-indulge-the-younger-brother elder sister, huh? I mean, seriously, who wouldn't? Ok, mebbe I'm the only one, but after being the older brother for so long... well, it's nice to be the younger one for once. *happy sigh* And she lets me hang out at her house, allowing me almost free rein. Not to mention that there's a skate park pretty close by, so it's all good! I LOVE MY SISTER!!! *grin* And not in an incestuous way, get your minds outta the gutters, dammit!
And speaking of sisters... I'm finally chatting with Caity again. *another happy sigh* I've missed her terribly, she's one of my favourite younger sisters. And also a tattoo nutter like myself... we love 'em! Unfortunately for me, she has more tatts than me at the moment. Something I hope to rectify sooner or later. HAHA!!
I have no idea how right this is, but I kinda just did it for fun after nicking it off of Shaun's blog...
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
Extroversion: You have medium extroversion. You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party. Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences. But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time." Conscientiousness: You have medium conscientiousness. You're generally good at balancing work and play. When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done. But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it. Agreeableness: You have high agreeableness. You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly. Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone. You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance. Neuroticism: You have medium neuroticism. You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic. Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy. Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of. Openness to experience: Your openness to new experiences is high. In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas. You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits. A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. |
Anyways, gotta jet, I'll see y'all around!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
>>> G'day, mates...
... I'm in bloody Sydney, that's where I am!!!
LOL. Finally reached wonderful, lovely Sydney after a delayed flight, Custom & Quarantine hold-ups, a missed connecting domestic flight, one cute Vodaphone storegirl [THANKS FOR EVERYTHING MICHELLE!!!] and a bloody headache. :D
Any Sydneyian or peeps from home who wants to hit me up on my mobile should call 0415608347 [GO GO VODAPHONE!].
LOL. Finally reached wonderful, lovely Sydney after a delayed flight, Custom & Quarantine hold-ups, a missed connecting domestic flight, one cute Vodaphone storegirl [THANKS FOR EVERYTHING MICHELLE!!!] and a bloody headache. :D
Any Sydneyian or peeps from home who wants to hit me up on my mobile should call 0415608347 [GO GO VODAPHONE!].
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
>>> When things crash...
... you pray that you don't burn.
The family portable computer has crashed and I think that I might end up paying for the repairs. The tech [Mike] said that my half-a-year old 160GB hard disk failed, but he'll try and get the warranty to pay for repair or replacement.
I think I really need to get my own laptop, one that game as well as work, design-wise. Any suggestions?
In other news:
And I'm updating via my brother NEZ's macbook. YAY for MACs! Lol.
Oh, and I called XM01 [my Spanish love] today, and she sounded soooo great... *turns into gooey mush*
That song by that kid Sean [Shaun?] Kingston is really starting to annoy me. I wish that the radio would STOP overplaying it. And I just LOVE the current live action shows that I watch on TV... well, the rare occassions that I watch TV. Bones, Criminal Minds, Over There and Shark... wheeeeeeee~! But I still love my anime more. :)
BOOYAKKA, I'm outta here before I spill my guts on the screen.
The family portable computer has crashed and I think that I might end up paying for the repairs. The tech [Mike] said that my half-a-year old 160GB hard disk failed, but he'll try and get the warranty to pay for repair or replacement.
I think I really need to get my own laptop, one that game as well as work, design-wise. Any suggestions?
In other news:
And I'm updating via my brother NEZ's macbook. YAY for MACs! Lol.
Oh, and I called XM01 [my Spanish love] today, and she sounded soooo great... *turns into gooey mush*
That song by that kid Sean [Shaun?] Kingston is really starting to annoy me. I wish that the radio would STOP overplaying it. And I just LOVE the current live action shows that I watch on TV... well, the rare occassions that I watch TV. Bones, Criminal Minds, Over There and Shark... wheeeeeeee~! But I still love my anime more. :)
BOOYAKKA, I'm outta here before I spill my guts on the screen.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
>>> Rat-a-too-ee...
... sounds like childish swearing, doesn't it?
Life has been pretty hectic of late, what will all the running around and things to do. Thank God for the one-week-plus break from work at Spinelli's. *whew* Let's see... time to recap the last weekend, I believe.
Friday was pretty lazy until the evening when HEAL21 and MACH2 came over to chill. Managed to squeeze a few rounds of playground-like basketball at the nearby court which had me pretty winded after a while. My stamina is shot, I swear, I think that I have to really quit smoking. After the b-ball sesh, we rushed back to my crib, grabbed-slash-snuck three cans each outta my house, on the pretext of going down to the nearby petrol kiosk to score some drinks and rushed to throw up [some simple graffiti] on nearby construction fencing. HEAL's throwie was by far the best, stretching from the top of the fenceline to the ground... I got lazy and couldn't be bothered to do the same even though it was my idea. LOL. But I think I had the best colours... Chrome fill with black outline and red keyline. Heh. I think I should work on that kinda colour scheme more. Props to MAKE2 for that advice he gave so long ago when I was still starting out.
To get back on track, once the throwie sesh was done and we'd stashed the cans in the big stone jarpot at the fence [at home], we really did go to the kiosk to get drinks and some snacks. And we spent a fairly uneventful night, watching Stomp The Yard (MACH2 was busy playing on his DS while me and HEAL were watching) followed by Flight of the Phoenix, which was dead boring and really predictable. We pretty much crashed after that since it was like almost 5 in the morning. Hahahaha!
And while on the topic of movies, I went on a pseudo-date with CHOC-FUDGE*. And she was tickled pink when I gave a very li'l gift that I'd picked up from Ben & Jerry's... Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavoured lip balm.I was pretty thrilled that she liked it so much and had decided not to kill me. Hahaha! We snagged tickets for 1408 ( http://www.1408-themovie.com/ ) and it wasn't too bad, getting a scare factor [lol] of 7.5 [out of ten] from me and FUDGE. The movie was pretty good on the whole, it wasn't the kind that you could predict the story and ending.Really creepy and had a fairly good ending. Plus, it didn't hurt that FUDGE was semi-clinging, semi-snuggling [in]nto my side. *goofy grin* We had dinner at Far East where I had my first taste of hot plate beef noodles. I highly recommend it, but ask for EXTRA beef 'coz I felt that there wasn't enough meat. If you're reading this, thank you so much, FUDGE! *many hugs* Oh, and sorry for not getting hooked on that fried chicken you had me try. It was good, but not THAT good in my opinion. 20 bills say that I probably know somewhere that makes it better. Kekekeke...
Werewolf took up most of my night, right until the first rays of the morn. Goddamn, I have no freaking clu how our main session ended up turning into downtime-action-mini-LARP. I was pretty damn beat by the time we got back. But having ALL my gifts endorsed by ST Wes and gaining 3 Glory & 1 Honour kinda rocks... now to collect the other 7 and 9 respectively. *evil laugh* And the personal kill tally for the night equals two Bane spirits, a Wyrm-tainted Weaver apparition, half a swarm of Weaverlings and one vampire. Pack kill tally is all that plus a boss-level Bane glamerling/spirit and five more leeches [vampires]. And it was a pretty good kicker seeing our old historical characters from the ol' Vampire game back in the late '90s brought back to imagined [re-]life by Wes. And I think GHOUL has learnt to never ask for a Wraith encounter ever again.
Finally got to play BF2142 with Bruce and managed to rank AZHKI's account. So none of our accounts are listed as inactive so they won't be deleted by GHOUL. I rediscovered my absolute and complete [disturbing] love of explosives and demolitions in the game. BOOM! There goes your pretty face!!!
LOL. Oh, and we got to make Vanessa-dono laugh a helluva lot with all our nonsense and such. And she's such a goddess 'coz she offered to help me find scanlations of the Air Gear manga. I will have a idol sculpted in her likeness and mounted on a pedestal, placing it on top of my table-cupboard's top. I even know which sculptor I should get to make it... MumboJumbo!!! ( http://mumbojumbo,deviantart.com ) Lol!!! But I just might get it done one day, you just wait.
Which brings us to today.... Today being Monday, that is. Caught Ratatouille with TWITCH, NEZRAEL and CYANIDE [LYNX]. It wasn't that great a movie (I give it a rating of 6.5 outta ten), but it was nice to know that CYANIDE enjoyed it immensely ('coz I paid for her ticket). That was the main highlight of the day, honestly. Pretty droll, right? But it's never really dull with my bunch, so much verbal clatter was spewed, it's amazing that no one drowned in their own words!
About Ratatouille, it really only deserved a rating of 6.5. The main male protagonists (Remy the Rat and Linguini) are supposed to be French but they sound like bloody Americans [not that I have anything against Americans, some of them are pretty good friends], Colette is the only true Frenchie and I must say that I'm disappointed that she loses her tough edge & softens towards Linguini [but sappy romance is a must for Disney], the others sound like shams and it was so sugary sweet... saccharine even! The villains were too easily defeated [except for the Health Inspector, who showed up at such an opportune moment for a slapstick-like comedy]. But I should not complain overly much, since it is a show for kids and does not require a lot of brain power to understand. Overall: Enjoyable, some laughs, bring the kids but cover their eyes for the kissing scene. And, mothers, make sure that your daughters do not become inspired to speed demoness bikers! *chuckles* You have been warned...
Oh, yeah, as a sidenote, I walked and talked with CYANIDE all the way from Cathay to Somerset [which is something that we've not done for a loooooong time and hadn;t realised that I'd missed doing], where we parted ways and I carried on walking due to sheer boredom and out of the need to figure out some stuff... like what's going on between me and FUDGE, like what kinda game we're running, that kinda deal. And wondering whatever possessed me to ask her out again next Saturday?!
Ano... SUGOI, Kaze-kun! *sarcastic chuckling in the background* You are so screwed~~~...
Oh, and do me a favour, you lot, check out Exell's written/literary work: http://www.underspray.com/peaked.html : right now or soon. You won't regret it, I guarantee!
Shout outs to AMOUROUBLIE, IMAGINARIUM, GENKY, VIOLENCE22, EXELL, RAGZ and Rachel for taking the time to chat with and spend time on me.
I shall now leave you with some rather comical and deliciously corrupt lines from my conversation with EXELL:
" Furious Angels says:
but I bet Yoda gets laid more than me
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
erm... in American Jedi, probably
Furious Angels says:
blade runner, a scanner darkly
Furious Angels says:
amazing sci fi writer
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
in fact, i think most Jedi probably get laid a LOT more than regualr folk
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
Furious Angels says:
yeah beards or no beards
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
oh, HIM!!!
Furious Angels says:
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
no, mon ami, you are forgetting their most basic, undervalued and under-rated yet valuable jedi skill...
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
Furious Angels says:
oh yes
Furious Angels says:
how could i forget
Furious Angels as Yoda says:
"want to suck my dick, you do"
Furious Angels as Yoda says:
"if live you want to, swallow you will"
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
LOL! "
I shall now go watch some Pr0nm if it interests me. Don't give me that look, I'm a guy and you can blame FUDGE & XM01... it's at their urging that I've picked up interest in it. They claim it's healthy. *shrug* Whatever, I just think that it's a better idea not to store so much otherwise a body might explode OR experience the embarrassing wet dreams that leaves you unconsciously creaming your boxers or wateva' you wear to sleep.
But nothing beats fresh meat. *evil laugh*
* : Sushma is [one of] my best mates' kid sister who I've basically watched grow up from the time she was five.I've been calling her Chocolate Fudge Brownie ever since she was in primary school and joined the Brownie troop. Probably explains the awkwardness and confusion in where we stand relationship-wise.
** : New ol' Cathay: It was torn down and rebuilt, and was the site of the very first movie that I ever watched in my life - when I was three, the Labyrinth. I still love that movie. *grin*
Life has been pretty hectic of late, what will all the running around and things to do. Thank God for the one-week-plus break from work at Spinelli's. *whew* Let's see... time to recap the last weekend, I believe.
Friday was pretty lazy until the evening when HEAL21 and MACH2 came over to chill. Managed to squeeze a few rounds of playground-like basketball at the nearby court which had me pretty winded after a while. My stamina is shot, I swear, I think that I have to really quit smoking. After the b-ball sesh, we rushed back to my crib, grabbed-slash-snuck three cans each outta my house, on the pretext of going down to the nearby petrol kiosk to score some drinks and rushed to throw up [some simple graffiti] on nearby construction fencing. HEAL's throwie was by far the best, stretching from the top of the fenceline to the ground... I got lazy and couldn't be bothered to do the same even though it was my idea. LOL. But I think I had the best colours... Chrome fill with black outline and red keyline. Heh. I think I should work on that kinda colour scheme more. Props to MAKE2 for that advice he gave so long ago when I was still starting out.
To get back on track, once the throwie sesh was done and we'd stashed the cans in the big stone jarpot at the fence [at home], we really did go to the kiosk to get drinks and some snacks. And we spent a fairly uneventful night, watching Stomp The Yard (MACH2 was busy playing on his DS while me and HEAL were watching) followed by Flight of the Phoenix, which was dead boring and really predictable. We pretty much crashed after that since it was like almost 5 in the morning. Hahahaha!
And while on the topic of movies, I went on a pseudo-date with CHOC-FUDGE*. And she was tickled pink when I gave a very li'l gift that I'd picked up from Ben & Jerry's... Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavoured lip balm.I was pretty thrilled that she liked it so much and had decided not to kill me. Hahaha! We snagged tickets for 1408 ( http://www.1408-themovie.com/ ) and it wasn't too bad, getting a scare factor [lol] of 7.5 [out of ten] from me and FUDGE. The movie was pretty good on the whole, it wasn't the kind that you could predict the story and ending.Really creepy and had a fairly good ending. Plus, it didn't hurt that FUDGE was semi-clinging, semi-snuggling [in]nto my side. *goofy grin* We had dinner at Far East where I had my first taste of hot plate beef noodles. I highly recommend it, but ask for EXTRA beef 'coz I felt that there wasn't enough meat. If you're reading this, thank you so much, FUDGE! *many hugs* Oh, and sorry for not getting hooked on that fried chicken you had me try. It was good, but not THAT good in my opinion. 20 bills say that I probably know somewhere that makes it better. Kekekeke...
Werewolf took up most of my night, right until the first rays of the morn. Goddamn, I have no freaking clu how our main session ended up turning into downtime-action-mini-LARP. I was pretty damn beat by the time we got back. But having ALL my gifts endorsed by ST Wes and gaining 3 Glory & 1 Honour kinda rocks... now to collect the other 7 and 9 respectively. *evil laugh* And the personal kill tally for the night equals two Bane spirits, a Wyrm-tainted Weaver apparition, half a swarm of Weaverlings and one vampire. Pack kill tally is all that plus a boss-level Bane glamerling/spirit and five more leeches [vampires]. And it was a pretty good kicker seeing our old historical characters from the ol' Vampire game back in the late '90s brought back to imagined [re-]life by Wes. And I think GHOUL has learnt to never ask for a Wraith encounter ever again.
Finally got to play BF2142 with Bruce and managed to rank AZHKI's account. So none of our accounts are listed as inactive so they won't be deleted by GHOUL. I rediscovered my absolute and complete [disturbing] love of explosives and demolitions in the game.
LOL. Oh, and we got to make Vanessa-dono laugh a helluva lot with all our nonsense and such. And she's such a goddess 'coz she offered to help me find scanlations of the Air Gear manga. I will have a idol sculpted in her likeness and mounted on a pedestal, placing it on top of my table-cupboard's top. I even know which sculptor I should get to make it... MumboJumbo!!! ( http://mumbojumbo,deviantart.com ) Lol!!! But I just might get it done one day, you just wait.
Which brings us to today.... Today being Monday, that is. Caught Ratatouille with TWITCH, NEZRAEL and CYANIDE [LYNX]. It wasn't that great a movie (I give it a rating of 6.5 outta ten), but it was nice to know that CYANIDE enjoyed it immensely ('coz I paid for her ticket). That was the main highlight of the day, honestly. Pretty droll, right? But it's never really dull with my bunch, so much verbal clatter was spewed, it's amazing that no one drowned in their own words!
About Ratatouille, it really only deserved a rating of 6.5. The main male protagonists (Remy the Rat and Linguini) are supposed to be French but they sound like bloody Americans [not that I have anything against Americans, some of them are pretty good friends], Colette is the only true Frenchie and I must say that I'm disappointed that she loses her tough edge & softens towards Linguini [but sappy romance is a must for Disney], the others sound like shams and it was so sugary sweet... saccharine even! The villains were too easily defeated [except for the Health Inspector, who showed up at such an opportune moment for a slapstick-like comedy]. But I should not complain overly much, since it is a show for kids and does not require a lot of brain power to understand. Overall: Enjoyable, some laughs, bring the kids but cover their eyes for the kissing scene. And, mothers, make sure that your daughters do not become inspired to speed demoness bikers! *chuckles* You have been warned...
Oh, yeah, as a sidenote, I walked and talked with CYANIDE all the way from Cathay to Somerset [which is something that we've not done for a loooooong time and hadn;t realised that I'd missed doing], where we parted ways and I carried on walking due to sheer boredom and out of the need to figure out some stuff... like what's going on between me and FUDGE, like what kinda game we're running, that kinda deal. And wondering whatever possessed me to ask her out again next Saturday?!
Ano... SUGOI, Kaze-kun! *sarcastic chuckling in the background* You are so screwed~~~...
Oh, and do me a favour, you lot, check out Exell's written/literary work:
Shout outs to AMOUROUBLIE, IMAGINARIUM, GENKY, VIOLENCE22, EXELL, RAGZ and Rachel for taking the time to chat with and spend time on me.
I shall now leave you with some rather comical and deliciously corrupt lines from my conversation with EXELL:
" Furious Angels says:
but I bet Yoda gets laid more than me
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
erm... in American Jedi, probably
Furious Angels says:
blade runner, a scanner darkly
Furious Angels says:
amazing sci fi writer
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
in fact, i think most Jedi probably get laid a LOT more than regualr folk
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
Furious Angels says:
yeah beards or no beards
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
oh, HIM!!!
Furious Angels says:
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
no, mon ami, you are forgetting their most basic, undervalued and under-rated yet valuable jedi skill...
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
Furious Angels says:
oh yes
Furious Angels says:
how could i forget
Furious Angels as Yoda says:
"want to suck my dick, you do"
Furious Angels as Yoda says:
"if live you want to, swallow you will"
[+_+][x]KÅMîKÅZÉ+SØULJAH[x][KAZEone@KzK9/DUST/S0UL] »» Just a petty vandal with delusions of grandeur :: says:
LOL! "
I shall now go watch some Pr0nm if it interests me. Don't give me that look, I'm a guy and you can blame FUDGE & XM01... it's at their urging that I've picked up interest in it. They claim it's healthy. *shrug* Whatever, I just think that it's a better idea not to store so much otherwise a body might explode OR experience the embarrassing wet dreams that leaves you unconsciously creaming your boxers or wateva' you wear to sleep.
But nothing beats fresh meat. *evil laugh*
* : Sushma is [one of] my best mates' kid sister who I've basically watched grow up from the time she was five.I've been calling her Chocolate Fudge Brownie ever since she was in primary school and joined the Brownie troop. Probably explains the awkwardness and confusion in where we stand relationship-wise.
** : New ol' Cathay: It was torn down and rebuilt, and was the site of the very first movie that I ever watched in my life - when I was three, the Labyrinth. I still love that movie. *grin*
Monday, July 30, 2007
>>> The end of July...
... and I'm still almost in a sabbatical-like mode of mind as apathy begins to take root.
Well, like I said, it's somewhat the end of July, moi sitting in front of the comp', time straddling the 30th & the 31st like a 'ho getting it from her six and I'm stuck in a limbo-like state with regards to my social and artistic lives; and, to make matters worse, I just do NOT want to do anything at all. Good grief of heaven... I haven't designed anything new for ages, the only graffiti-related work I've done recently being the commissioned production at Alexandra Fire Station for their 2nd ROTA and some random sketches that do NOT deserve to be posted online. *sigh* I haven't been in contact with quite a number of friends of late and it irks me. Especially when some of them only seem to call when they need or want something from me.
But I've run into quite a number of old army buddies while wandering around the downtown areas, which is pretty good if you think about it. How often can one say that one's run into an old friend so randomly and struck up the friendship where you left off once before? Good stuff happens in strange ways. And I so thank whoever is watching over me for the really true friends that I have, no matter how remorselessly irritating some of them are.
However, I'm still reading, and I think that tomorrow I shall endeavour to return my library books, since I'm working the opening shift, and extend the loan on the graff books that i have. Perhaps I shall xerox some of the pages before I do, if I have a chance. Or I'll just skip it until later. BUt I think I'm accruing massive library fines... oh, dear, decisions, decisions. Forget it, I don't feel like going. BLEAH.
Gott en himmel! I have to be awake in five hours!!! I bid you all a [fairly] good night and [passably] sweet dreams!!!!!
*sprints for his room, but returns to a placid, indifferent lope after roughly 3 seconds*
Well, like I said, it's somewhat the end of July, moi sitting in front of the comp', time straddling the 30th & the 31st like a 'ho getting it from her six and I'm stuck in a limbo-like state with regards to my social and artistic lives; and, to make matters worse, I just do NOT want to do anything at all. Good grief of heaven... I haven't designed anything new for ages, the only graffiti-related work I've done recently being the commissioned production at Alexandra Fire Station for their 2nd ROTA and some random sketches that do NOT deserve to be posted online. *sigh* I haven't been in contact with quite a number of friends of late and it irks me. Especially when some of them only seem to call when they need or want something from me.
But I've run into quite a number of old army buddies while wandering around the downtown areas, which is pretty good if you think about it. How often can one say that one's run into an old friend so randomly and struck up the friendship where you left off once before? Good stuff happens in strange ways. And I so thank whoever is watching over me for the really true friends that I have, no matter how remorselessly irritating some of them are.
However, I'm still reading, and I think that tomorrow I shall endeavour to return my library books, since I'm working the opening shift, and extend the loan on the graff books that i have. Perhaps I shall xerox some of the pages before I do, if I have a chance. Or I'll just skip it until later. BUt I think I'm accruing massive library fines... oh, dear, decisions, decisions. Forget it, I don't feel like going. BLEAH.
Gott en himmel! I have to be awake in five hours!!! I bid you all a [fairly] good night and [passably] sweet dreams!!!!!
*sprints for his room, but returns to a placid, indifferent lope after roughly 3 seconds*
Sunday, July 22, 2007
>>> Karma can be such a bitch...
... and like that nut JT said: "What goes around goes around, comes around."
Speaking of Karma, it's like the wheel of time turning and catching you on its steel toe end as it revolves back to get in the arse. Case in point: my blood Twitch got this eartip piercing and it was somehow infected and swelled. Same thing happened to his eyebrow piercing. OWCH! Getting back to the point of karma tho'; I happened to sya that he wasn't built for piercings and the next thing I know, I'm discovering that my eartip piercing was also infected and not healing while hurting like the bloody dickens. But to be noted: this was a couple of weeks later. Sad, what a waste of good piercings. But it also relatively illustrates the idea or concept of Karma and, damn, can She be a bitch. I think that if I did get married, I'll name one of my children Karma. I think I should have a few friends going "OMGWTFBBQ, KAZE, R U OUT OF YOUR MIND!?". Lol. But, seriously, I think Karma would be a really nice name for a girl. I mean, I knew A TEMPERANCE when I was in high school and she was quite hot, y'know!
And, oh my god, it's been ages since I last logged an update. Amazing how much work absorbs your very being and spits you out exhausted, wrung out and socially dead. Purely amazing. Not that I don't enjoy my job, it just, well, takes a lot out of a body. At least my manager supports my external ventures into art, zen and motorcycle maintenance. Hahaha!
So much stuff has been happening of late. I've reconnected with some old friends [RACHEL, DINIE, ESTHER, DJ EZ-KILL! & LYNX among others], my sis FLA is in town for three months, met this pretty cute chick from Mumbai [Bombay, for those who don't know], hooked up with a small rap venture [KZ1, SAVVIOR & J-REEDS/EZ-KILL], grabbed an opportunity for a graffiti production from Alexandra Fire Station, have sheer loads of sketches to do up with have a bunch of ideas and concepts running around in my head at the speed of sound [sorry, MACH2, I know that you usually silent kill at the speed of sound LOL] and while having to work at Spinelli @ Harbourfront. And some other stuff which should NOT be mentioned unless I get permission first. *evil snickering* I know things that you don't know, but do you really want to know?
Anyways, I have to get going eventually as one of my bloods is coming over to borrow a set of my old army technician coveralls to use as a costume for the resurrected Werewolf: the Apocalypse LARP [Live Action Role-Play] that a friend decided to run. And I must say that it's pretty interesting, so far. If anyone is interested, just drop me a line, aiight? *shameless plugging!* C'mon, it'd be fun! 'Sides, I need more smoking khakis [ie. smoking buddies] and friends to kick back with after a session. *grin*
On a last to final note, my first tattoo will be etched upon my wonderfully dusky epidermis at the end of the month, whoohoo! FUCKING FINALLY!!! And this time, mates, I'm NOT just full of air and really am getting it. Check this link and try to figure out which part of the design is going to end up as my very first tatt :: [ http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51896590/ ]. After all, I have to catch up to my li'l sister, Caity! She has like five now, and they're like almost everywhere on her body. Okay not really everywhere, but close enough. CAITLIN, PUT DOWN THE DECK, DO NOT HIT ME WITH THAT!!! *sound of a skateboard making a very violent connection with a human skull* Urk~...
LOL. Much love to my li'l sister Caitlin who's all the way over in Canada! *hugz* http://violence-22.deviantart.com
Note: If there are any mistakes in this post, I claim temporary loss of vocabulatory faculties and deprivation of a properly sized typing implement.
Speaking of Karma, it's like the wheel of time turning and catching you on its steel toe end as it revolves back to get in the arse. Case in point: my blood Twitch got this eartip piercing and it was somehow infected and swelled. Same thing happened to his eyebrow piercing. OWCH! Getting back to the point of karma tho'; I happened to sya that he wasn't built for piercings and the next thing I know, I'm discovering that my eartip piercing was also infected and not healing while hurting like the bloody dickens. But to be noted: this was a couple of weeks later. Sad, what a waste of good piercings. But it also relatively illustrates the idea or concept of Karma and, damn, can She be a bitch. I think that if I did get married, I'll name one of my children Karma. I think I should have a few friends going "OMGWTFBBQ, KAZE, R U OUT OF YOUR MIND!?". Lol. But, seriously, I think Karma would be a really nice name for a girl. I mean, I knew A TEMPERANCE when I was in high school and she was quite hot, y'know!
And, oh my god, it's been ages since I last logged an update. Amazing how much work absorbs your very being and spits you out exhausted, wrung out and socially dead. Purely amazing. Not that I don't enjoy my job, it just, well, takes a lot out of a body. At least my manager supports my external ventures into art, zen and motorcycle maintenance. Hahaha!
So much stuff has been happening of late. I've reconnected with some old friends [RACHEL, DINIE, ESTHER, DJ EZ-KILL! & LYNX among others], my sis FLA is in town for three months, met this pretty cute chick from Mumbai [Bombay, for those who don't know], hooked up with a small rap venture [KZ1, SAVVIOR & J-REEDS/EZ-KILL], grabbed an opportunity for a graffiti production from Alexandra Fire Station, have sheer loads of sketches to do up with have a bunch of ideas and concepts running around in my head at the speed of sound [sorry, MACH2, I know that you usually silent kill at the speed of sound LOL] and while having to work at Spinelli @ Harbourfront. And some other stuff which should NOT be mentioned unless I get permission first. *evil snickering* I know things that you don't know, but do you really want to know?
Anyways, I have to get going eventually as one of my bloods is coming over to borrow a set of my old army technician coveralls to use as a costume for the resurrected Werewolf: the Apocalypse LARP [Live Action Role-Play] that a friend decided to run. And I must say that it's pretty interesting, so far. If anyone is interested, just drop me a line, aiight? *shameless plugging!* C'mon, it'd be fun! 'Sides, I need more smoking khakis [ie. smoking buddies] and friends to kick back with after a session. *grin*
On a last to final note, my first tattoo will be etched upon my wonderfully dusky epidermis at the end of the month, whoohoo! FUCKING FINALLY!!! And this time, mates, I'm NOT just full of air and really am getting it. Check this link and try to figure out which part of the design is going to end up as my very first tatt :: [ http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51896590/ ]. After all, I have to catch up to my li'l sister, Caity! She has like five now, and they're like almost everywhere on her body. Okay not really everywhere, but close enough. CAITLIN, PUT DOWN THE DECK, DO NOT HIT ME WITH THAT!!! *sound of a skateboard making a very violent connection with a human skull* Urk~...
LOL. Much love to my li'l sister Caitlin who's all the way over in Canada! *hugz* http://violence-22.deviantart.com
Note: If there are any mistakes in this post, I claim temporary loss of vocabulatory faculties and deprivation of a properly sized typing implement.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
>>> Humanity and shotguns...
... aren't the most perfect of mixes, but, DAMN, are they a FUN mix!
Moving along, I've discovered that people can lose their spark of humanity just by being in certain lines of work or service. It's strange, but some of the very work that we do to serve humanity actually strips it away from us in the course of it. Amazing, non? The service sectors of hospitality [hotels, resorts and the like that exist to give you comfort and enjoyment away from home], home defense & security [the police and other domestic defence agencies like the fire fighters, paramedics and the like], health [hospitals with their doctors and nurses and assorted staff], civil service [must I really state the obvious???] and media [with the assorted amount of near garbage shown on TV and all sorts of morbidity in the papers, any wonder that we're dehumanitized as well as desensitized?], just to name a few. My God, it's amazing how callous, unfeeling, cynical and jaded a person in any of these lines can get. The treatment that one receives form them is horrendous, like we're not really alive or something along those lines. It's downright depressing.
And what is it about shotguns that is just so, I don't know, satisfying? I mean, have you guys ever seen a zombie movie in which the shotgun just doesn't seem to run out of ammo until a really critical time? And usually in such a dramatic way, after blasting through half the zombie horde? Even soldiers love the shotgun, for totally different reasons, of course. Let's just ignore the mess it akes when a slug make contact at close range with your skull. Let's forget the cloud of buckshot that shreds bodies in just one salvo from a single shotgun. But, then again, who am I kidding about the insanity of shotguns? I freaking love them, they're real good in a pinch and let's face it, they're a cult classic. LET ME AT THEM ZOMBIES, SON!!!
Hahahahaha, well, that's my obligation of a weekly update done and a release of thoughts to cybernetic logs over and done with. I'll be moseying along now.
Have a good day now, y'hear?
Moving along, I've discovered that people can lose their spark of humanity just by being in certain lines of work or service. It's strange, but some of the very work that we do to serve humanity actually strips it away from us in the course of it. Amazing, non? The service sectors of hospitality [hotels, resorts and the like that exist to give you comfort and enjoyment away from home], home defense & security [the police and other domestic defence agencies like the fire fighters, paramedics and the like], health [hospitals with their doctors and nurses and assorted staff], civil service [must I really state the obvious???] and media [with the assorted amount of near garbage shown on TV and all sorts of morbidity in the papers, any wonder that we're dehumanitized as well as desensitized?], just to name a few. My God, it's amazing how callous, unfeeling, cynical and jaded a person in any of these lines can get. The treatment that one receives form them is horrendous, like we're not really alive or something along those lines. It's downright depressing.
And what is it about shotguns that is just so, I don't know, satisfying? I mean, have you guys ever seen a zombie movie in which the shotgun just doesn't seem to run out of ammo until a really critical time? And usually in such a dramatic way, after blasting through half the zombie horde? Even soldiers love the shotgun, for totally different reasons, of course. Let's just ignore the mess it akes when a slug make contact at close range with your skull. Let's forget the cloud of buckshot that shreds bodies in just one salvo from a single shotgun. But, then again, who am I kidding about the insanity of shotguns? I freaking love them, they're real good in a pinch and let's face it, they're a cult classic. LET ME AT THEM ZOMBIES, SON!!!
Hahahahaha, well, that's my obligation of a weekly update done and a release of thoughts to cybernetic logs over and done with. I'll be moseying along now.
Have a good day now, y'hear?
Monday, June 04, 2007
>>> Of stories and the pathological-slash-psychological
Okay, so it's not exactly Sunday night if you want to be completely and anal retentively accurate, but it's definitely the night that follows Sunday. But, I digress...
... there must be something pathologically wrong with me somehow, like I'm how I'm allergic to carbonated drinks. However, that's psychosysmatic, but maybe it crosses over into the pathological as well. Or maybe it's all just psychological and I'm just mixing up terms. *shrugs* I'm once again straying from the subject at hand. Mayhaps it's due to the [latest] Linkin Park album that's playing on the stereo that is messing up my thought process. Or maybe it's caused by being sick, down with the fever, flu and its kin.Oh, by heck, who am I kidding? Excuses, excuses, by any other name...
Getting back on track, I think it must be pathological or psychological, this unusual occurences of being absorbed by the novels that I read, so much so that I feel that I am somehow involved yet unable to act or interfere in events, mentally screaming my self hoarse. Just like life, sometimes. But, it's getting worse as it takes longer and longer to get a story out of my system, which also results in a spike in my smoking and nervous "twitches", as virtual "memories" of the stories pop up in my mind. Like a ghost coming back to haunt its old roost. *shudders* And not so much of twitches as shivers, like someone ran a dead cold, numbing hand down your back and you're left wondering wether there was a scalpel attached to the said hand. Brrr~....
And, alarmingly, I tear through books at an alarming rate as I usually end up finishing thick novels in roughly a day or two. Cripes. So, you can just imagine how many stories are jammed up in my head, crammed in with all the random bits that comprise the contents of the vaults of my mind.
I wonder if I'm alone in this kind of strange suffering. Well, not suffering, per se, but albeit strange circumstance. Or is it a subconscious reaction, to lose one's self in stories, the worlds of fantasies and vivid imagination, just to escape the mundane and banal existence that we eke out in reality?
Well, no matter the answer, I know that my sleep tonight will be plagued by the visage of a young cherry-red-haired French girl who hung herself with a nylon strap from her backpack.
... there must be something pathologically wrong with me somehow, like I'm how I'm allergic to carbonated drinks. However, that's psychosysmatic, but maybe it crosses over into the pathological as well. Or maybe it's all just psychological and I'm just mixing up terms. *shrugs* I'm once again straying from the subject at hand. Mayhaps it's due to the [latest] Linkin Park album that's playing on the stereo that is messing up my thought process. Or maybe it's caused by being sick, down with the fever, flu and its kin.Oh, by heck, who am I kidding? Excuses, excuses, by any other name...
Getting back on track, I think it must be pathological or psychological, this unusual occurences of being absorbed by the novels that I read, so much so that I feel that I am somehow involved yet unable to act or interfere in events, mentally screaming my self hoarse. Just like life, sometimes. But, it's getting worse as it takes longer and longer to get a story out of my system, which also results in a spike in my smoking and nervous "twitches", as virtual "memories" of the stories pop up in my mind. Like a ghost coming back to haunt its old roost. *shudders* And not so much of twitches as shivers, like someone ran a dead cold, numbing hand down your back and you're left wondering wether there was a scalpel attached to the said hand. Brrr~....
And, alarmingly, I tear through books at an alarming rate as I usually end up finishing thick novels in roughly a day or two. Cripes. So, you can just imagine how many stories are jammed up in my head, crammed in with all the random bits that comprise the contents of the vaults of my mind.
I wonder if I'm alone in this kind of strange suffering. Well, not suffering, per se, but albeit strange circumstance. Or is it a subconscious reaction, to lose one's self in stories, the worlds of fantasies and vivid imagination, just to escape the mundane and banal existence that we eke out in reality?
Well, no matter the answer, I know that my sleep tonight will be plagued by the visage of a young cherry-red-haired French girl who hung herself with a nylon strap from her backpack.
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