BUT, I'm hoping that this year is almost as good as last year's, if anyone remembers Purple's surprise party that she threw for me at Fish & Co in Dhoby. *sighs with a sad smile* Memories... memories... *sighs and shakes his head*
Though usually I do not get any birthday presents, I seem to have gotten some even before the day itself. Or the promises of some, in certain cases. Purple is treating me to a much needed - and deserved, in my honest opinion - full body massage at a Javanese massage studio/spa in Upper Thomson followed by dinner at a restaurant later. We're still not sure what restaurant since I still can't decide. Supernova's ordered something from Australia which is going to a surprise and the curiousity is eating me alive from the inside. [Thank you very much, baby!] *laughs* She's a such a darling, she's loaned me a coupla hundred quid for my tattoo, which is my gift to myself. The photos will be posted up somewhere after it's done on my birthday. If you want to know about the design, well, all I can say is that the Label is In God's Hands on the XIII'th. *laughs some more*
Purple's mom insisted on getting me three pairs of tailored trousers and I, in my absolute boringness, chose the simple matt black fabric for them. I'll be trying them tonight when I get home after work.
Supernova still wants to take me either flowboarding or to Timbre. She's still thinking about it. I'll just go along with whatever she decides. *grins*
Well, that's about it for presents and birthday plans.
Currently, I'm planning on practicing for the Meeting of Styles in KL. I wanna kill it while I'm there, so I really need to do some hardcore practicing. Probably have to hit the practice grounds at Bukit Batok skate-park. Either that or my room, haha! And sketching, which I've started again. I hadn't realized how much I've missed sketching and graffiti in general.
Even if it the majority of the scene is geared towards ego games and trying to outdo each others' styles. *sighs while rolling eyes upwards*

In addition, I may just be able to finally finish my Air Gear inspired hooded zip-up sweater/sweatshirt. A friend [Juice] just told me recently about a small store in the Army Market that makes custom embroidered patches which definitely warrants checking out. PLUS, I've finally found fabric to line the insides of the hoodie - including the inside of the hood - and believe it or not, it's actually fabric meant for a curtain! *chuckles* The weird things that I find. In addition, I've found the old front panel of this old tee that I'd cut out which has a really cool stencil-like design on it. I'm going to get it fitted/sewed over the right panel of the hoodie, and it's doubly awesome since the panels are similar colour so it should fit seamlessly! Just have to get the patches done and find a suitable zipper of the correct length to fit to the hoodie. And it will be in the reversed direction just to be different! XD
I'm pretty hyped about the concluding this little project that's been in the works for almost two years now. Amazing, isn't it?
On a side note, I had a craving for Skittles. And am now the proud possesor of a relatively largish bag of the stuff. Kiddy-like smiles all around. And apparently Lain likes the green ones. ONLY the green ones. *laughs*
Well, I'm truly blessed in certain areas of my life.
Even though my family life is the pits and completely messed up most times, I'm still blessed and thankful for what I have.
Someday we gonna rise up on that wind you know
Someday we gonna dance with those lions
Someday we gonna break free from these chains and keep on flyin'.
With that, I'm off to get some other stuff done.
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