... of boredom for some streetside insanity.
Does anyone remember a brief fad/gimmick called SOAP Shoes?
*looks around*
*sighs sadly*
Well, I do, and for those who have no idea what I'm typing about, click and take a gander at the answer to this question: Daddy, what's a SOAP shoe?
And I'm thinking of making my own.
*mock gasps from the audience*
Yes, that's right, you're not hearing things, I would like to make my own, just for kicks [no pun intended].
I found a couple of somewhat helpful links, IF you're interested.
+ Instructables : How to make your own pair of SOAPs
+ E-How : SOAP shoes
Now I just need to get my grubby mitts on a couple pairs of skate shoes of dubious origins - regardless whether they're second-hand legally or not [ask no questions and I tell you no lies, haha, I'm kidding!] - and someone with a workshop for some assistance.
*taps chin* I wonder who I can ask... Hmmm...
Any suggestions and aid - no, not first aid! - would be most welcome and showered with gratitude.
So, someday sooner or later, don't be surprised if you see a dark-skinned nutter in a hoodie sliding across multiple stone bench edges along the downtown stretch, ey.
It's just a matter of time.
Mwahahaha, laters, gaters.