Saturday, July 11, 2009

>>> Moving forward...

... is all that I can do.

Moving on is not the exact term that can be used for there is not really anything to move on to. Moving forward is more accurate, since no one can ever really cut off their feelings.

But, damn, is it difficult.

Especially when one can't stop thinking about someone who means a helluva lot, even if one doesn't want to think at all. And it doesn't help that it feels like it ended way too soon, too abruptly. Nor do the constant reminders all around one's self.

The feelings of worthlessness and failure are only compounded by what people say. Like how someone who I used to think had my back completely can actually mouth such insensitive things that only serve to make me worse.

Yes, I'm still in an emo-state. Probably will be for a while, I'm not too sure. It's been three weeks, and I still feel damaged.

The whole situation is not fair at all and feels like it hasn't been tied up.

How can two people who love and care for each other not be together? This isn't a movie or a sitcom, it just doesn't really happen in real life. And how does anyone come to the conclusion that the relationship is not going anywhere?


Can you imagine how angry and sad that makes me feel??

Especially when I still love the woman and miss her terribly, when all I want to do is go up to her and hug her to me, holding her close.

Not going to happen anytime soon.

I do not deserve what I'm going through or the way that my mind, and heart, keep getting sent for a spinning loop.

Enough online venting, it doesn't help very much.

I'm gonna go skate.

Have fun, y'all.

And remember, keep your loved ones close.

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