... hasn't it?
Nearly half a year since I've updated this place.
A lot has happened since.
I'm still with Purple, my wonderful, ever so lovely girlfriend, and it's been a rollercoaster ride and a half, filled with everything possible. Baby bee, if you're reading this, know that INDIA-LIMA-UNIFORM is still very much in force, and always will be. *winks*
Some friends have come and gone, some are still around, some are going through so much crap that it's insane and there are some still floating around in limbo. *salute* To Pervalidus, Plasticated, Ferret, Grimm, Raven, Lynx [you're still damn silly, honestly], all the SB crews that I've worked with and whoever I may be missing (you know who you are), YOU'RE ALL NUTS but it's a pleasure and an honour to know most of you.
The number one problem with everything is the lack of a computing device to connect to the worldwide web. I'm planning a little caper to solve this numero uno issue of mine, 'tis only a matter of time and time will tell in the end. *evil laugh*
Now, where are my co-conspirators? *looks around and shrugs*
And as such, I'm looking for another job.
Failing that, checking out loans so I can go back to school so I can pursue my dream of being an EH-DU-KAY-TOR, hah-haaa!!!
Anyways, hope you've all been well.
I gotta jet...
By the way I have a Formspring page, so go there and fire away with questions, if you don't mind.